Music in Lithuania

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National Song Festival 2009 in Vingio Park
Neofolk and folk music group at the Street Music Day festival in Vilnius
Lithuanian National Philharmonic (concert hall was established in the Russian Empire )
Palanga Concert Hall, the most modern Lithuanian concert hall in the spa town of Palanga on the Baltic coast of Lithuania

Music in Lithuania is part of the art and culture of Lithuania . Ancient music is associated with paganism . The folk music is still in Lithuania very popular. It is maintained and developed in most of the cultural centers in all parishes. The ancient Lithuanian instruments are Kanklės and Birbynė . The singular polyphonic folk song in Lithuania is Sutartinė .

The history of the Lithuanian organ landscape began around the 15th century. Several conservatories have been established in Soviet Lithuania . Many local music schools exist in several communities and are publicly funded.


The most famous Lithuanian composer is Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis . The most famous Lithuanian conductor is Mirga Gražinytė .


See the list of music schools in Lithuania

Concert halls


Chamber orchestra
