Night visor (2010)

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German title Night visor
Original title L'homme qui voulait vivre sa vie
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 2010
length 111 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Eric Lartigau
script Eric Lartigau,
Laurent de Bartillat
production Pierre-Ange Le Pogam
music Evguéni Galperine ,
Sacha Galperine
camera Laurent Dailland
cut Juliette Welfling

Nachtblende is a French thriller written by Éric Lartigau in 2010 . It is based on the novel of the same name by Douglas Kennedy .


Paul Exben is co-owner of a law firm. He bought a house not far from Paris with his wife Sarah and their two children, is successful at work and in his free time is happy with his hobby, photography. He has just bought new camera equipment. However, his wife is not happy with the life she leads by his side. She feels trapped in a golden cage, especially as she realizes that her dream of becoming a writer is unrealistic. All that remains for her is a house in the provinces, a constantly busy man and her two children. One day Paul and Sarah drink a wine that Paul doesn't know. Sarah claims that she bought it from Paul's regular wine shop. Later Paul wants to reorder the wine there, but the shop doesn't sell the wine. Paul becomes suspicious. He comes home early one day and thinks he sees Sarah on the phone with a lover. At a celebration with the neighboring families, the ominous wine that Sarah was wearing is presented as the favorite wine of Paul's neighbor, the photographer Grégoire Kremer. Paul also sees Greg touching Sarah unobtrusively. The next day Sarah informs him on a note that she wants to divorce him. She went to see her sister with her children. Paul goes to Greg and confronts him. Greg admits the relationship, but sees no way to change the situation. When he reacts ironically to Paul's anger, Paul hits him on the head with a bottle. In the subsequent tussle, Grégoire falls on the broken neck of the bottle, which severed the carotid artery and bleeds to death.

Paul is paralyzed at first, but after a short time he collects himself. He hides the body in the freezer of Greg's house and writes to Sarah and Grégoire's colleagues from Grégory's mail account that he is going to Belgrade for a photo assignment for several weeks . He also forges Greg's driver's license with his own photo and reports as Grégoire, the ID card as lost. Sarah has meanwhile made it clear that after her return in a week she does not want to find Paul in the common house. He meets with her and announces that he will retire to the shared yacht. Paul goes to the sea and sinks Grégoire's body in the water. He drifts back ashore in the dinghy while he detonates a self-made bomb on the yacht. He left his papers on board. His disappearance is counted as an accident, he himself is considered dead. Paul drives back to the city where he parked Greg's car and escapes to the east. He only stops in Montenegro , where he spent a vacation. Here he rents a simple apartment in a village. He introduces himself as Greg and says that he is a photographer. In the following time he photographs typical scenes and village impressions.

One day he meets compatriot Bartholomé in the village bar, who tells him half his life in a beefy tone. In the evening Paul brings the drunken Bartholomé into his home. Bartholomé admires Paul's recordings. The next day, Bartholomé and the pictures are gone. The young Ivana, head of the picture department of a newspaper, calls Paul. Bartholomé was actually a local celebrity and editor-in-chief of a newspaper. Ivana has received Paul's photos from him and is impressed. Paul receives an order for a photo series. This was so successful that Paul was given the opportunity to exhibit his pictures shortly afterwards. He agrees, but insists that his photo will not make it into the newspapers. Bartholomé suspects that Paul did not tell him the whole truth. At the exhibition opening, Bartholomé is to be introduced to an agent from Paris who knows Greg from his time in France. Paul flees in panic. He destroys the car and goes to the port. Here he books a place on a cargo ship to South America. On the way he witnesses a stowaway being thrown overboard. He photographs the scene, but also tries to stop the sailors from doing their thing by screaming loudly. He secretly swaps the films before the sailors grab him. He is also thrown overboard as a witness. He can put himself and the other man on a life raft. In the end, both are picked up by the Italian Coast Guard. Paul's photos show the hustle and bustle on board. The stowaway is assaulted by the press, while Paul stays in the background and finally disappears secretly.


Nachtblende was shot in Paris and Montenegro . The film was released in French cinemas on November 3, 2010. In Germany, Nachtblende was released directly on DVD on June 22, 2011.


For the film service , Nachtblende was a "compositionally convincing thriller about the painful self-discovery process of a man who finds himself but remains hopelessly entangled."

Cinema found that the film "[progresses] rapidly after the rather tough beginning and [...] is a gripping mixture of thriller and drama". Romain Duris is "in a bitter character role" convincing and inspiring. “A cool but touching psychogram about the search for true happiness and the price for it, ideally cast with Romain Duris,” said Der Spiegel .


Nachtblende was nominated for two Césars in 2011 : Niels Arestrup received a nomination for Best Supporting Actor , while Éric Lartigau and Laurent de Bartillat were nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Night visor. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. See Nachtblende on
  3. New DVDs . In: Der Spiegel , No. 8, 2011, p. 42.