Nancy Jepkosgei Kiprop

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Nancy Jepkosgei Kiprop , also Nancy Kiprop or Nancy Cletius (born July 7, 1979 , Chesitek ) is a Kenyan long-distance runner who specializes in marathons and road runs. She is committed to promoting education in her home region and invests her prize money sustainably in founding and building a school.


Nancy Jepkosgei Kiprop was born in Chesitek, a village in the Kenyan highlands. She attended Kipson High School in Iten and studied at Tambach Teachers College, which she graduated in 2001. She then worked as a teacher and also pursued a sporting career as a long-distance runner. She lives and trains near the provincial capital Iten, the long-distance running center in the Kenyan highlands, about 320 kilometers northwest of the capital Nairobi .

In 2017 she founded the Nancy Cletius Academy in Chesitek . The school has now grown to 125 students between the ages of three and eight and seven permanent teachers. Kiprop is the director of the school herself, her husband is responsible for the organization.

Kiprop is a mother of seven. She has two birth children and five adopted children .

Sporting successes

With 1:07:49 h, Kiprop holds the women's course record at the Venloop , the annual half marathon in Venlo, the Netherlands . After winning the Vienna City Marathon in 2017 and 2018, she managed a hat trick at the Vienna City Marathon 2019 and improved the course record set by Italian runner Maura Viceconte to 2:22:12 h.

Results (selection)

  • 1st place in 2:22:12 h, Vienna City Marathon 2019, course record
  • 1st place in 1:09:12 h, Paris Half Marathon 2019
  • 1st place in 2:24:18 h, Vienna City Marathon 2018
  • 1st place in 1:07:49 h, Venloop half marathon 2018, course record
  • 7th place in 2:22:46 h, Frankfurt Marathon (Frankfurt am Main) 2018
  • 1st place in 2:24:20 h, Vienna City Marathon 2017
  • 2nd place in 1:07:22 h, Prague Half Marathon 2017
  • 2nd place in 2:25:13 h, Valencia Marathon 2016
  • 2nd place in 2:27:34 h, Valencia Marathon 2015

Personal bests

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Kofler: Nancy Kiprop: top runner with a big heart. In: RunAustria. April 4, 2019, accessed on April 22, 2019 (German).
  2. Sigi Lützow: Kiprop: A headmistress constantly goes to school. Der Standard, April 5, 2019, accessed April 20, 2019 .
  3. ^ Vienna City Marathon: Marathon champion, teacher and mother. Die Presse, April 4, 2019, accessed on April 20, 2019 .
  4. Kiprop gunning for hat-trick in Vienna | News | IAAF News, March 5, 2019, accessed April 20, 2019 .
  5. Kiprop retains title and Bounasser takes surprise victory in heat of Vienna | News | In: IAAF News. April 22, 2019. Retrieved April 20, 2019 .