Nasal (phonetics)
A nasal (also nasal sound , German nose sound ) is a consonant named after its articulation . With oral sounds , the back, soft part of the palate (the velum ) lies against the back wall of the throat and thus closes the nasal cavity . In the case of the nasals, an oral occlusion is created and the velum lowers so that most of the air flows out through the nose. The nasal cavity and the part of the oral cavity reaching from the rear to the occlusion point serve as a resonance space . Nasals are mostly voiced. Icelandic has a voiceless nasal, while Burmese has several of them.
bilabial nasals (lip nose sounds)
- voiced bilabial nasal [ m ]
- voiceless bilabial nasal [ m̥ ]
labiodental nasals
- voiced labiodental nasal [ ɱ ]
- voiceless labiodental nasal [ ɱ̊ ]
alveolar nasals (tooth nose sounds)
- voiced alveolar nasal [ n ]
- voiceless alveolar nasal [ n̥ ]
retroflex nasals
- voiced retroflex nasal [ ɳ ]
- voiceless retroflex nasal [ ɳ̊ ]
palatal nasals
- voiced palatal nasal [ ɲ ]
- voiceless palatal nasal [ ɲ̊ ]
velar nasals (back palate nasal sounds)
- voiced velar nasal [ ŋ ]
- voiceless velar nasal [ ŋ̊ ]
uvular nasals
- voiced uvular nasal [ ɴ ]
- voiceless uvular nasal [ ɴ̥ ]
The German knows the (voiced) Nasal [ m ] , [ n ] and [ ŋ ] .
See also
Web links
Wiktionary: Nasal - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: nasal sound - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Nose - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations