Natural structure of the Franconian Alb

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Natural structure of the Franconian Alb
surface 7th 053.8  km²
Systematics according to Handbook of the natural spatial structure of Germany
Greater region 1st order 07–23 → Layer level land on both
sides of the Upper Rhine Rift
Greater region 2nd order 08–16 → Southwest German step country
Greater region 3rd order 08–09 →
Swabian and Franconian Alb
Main unit group 08 →
Franconian Alb
Natural area characteristics
Landscape type Low mountain range landscape , Dogger and Malm step .
Highest peak Dürrenberg ( 656.4  m )
Geographical location
Coordinates 49 ° 0 '55.7 "  N , 10 ° 45' 42.8"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 0 '55.7 "  N , 10 ° 45' 42.8"  E
Natural structure of the Franconian Alb (southwest German stepland)
Natural structure of the Franconian Alb
Location of the peripheral Dürrenberg as the highest peak in the Franconian Alb
state Bavaria
Franconian Alb

The Franconian Alb represents the natural spatial main unit group 08 within the south-west German layer level country and is divided into the main units Northern (080), Middle (081) and Southern (082) Franconian Alb . The Southern Franconian Alb extends the Swabian Alb, which runs in an east-northeast direction, to the east, while the Middle and Northern Franconian Alb point towards the north-northwest. The Swabian and Franconian Alb together form a large, natural third order region .

The subdivision of the eastern part of the Northern Franconian Alb, which was supposed to take place on sheet 154 Bayreuth of the single sheets 1: 200,000 , which was never published , can be found on sheet 153 Bamberg to the west, which was only published in 2004 .

The following natural areas are designated:

  • 08 (= D61) Franconian Alb
    • 080 Northern Franconian Alb
      • 080.0 Weismain-Alb
        • 080.01 Ziegenfelder Alb
        • 080.02 Staffelsteiner Alb
      • 080.1 Wiesentalb (" Franconian Switzerland ")
      • 080.2 Graefenberger surface alb
      • 080.3 Heiligenstädter surface alb
      • 080.4 Hollfelder Mulde
      • 080.5 Doggersandstein-Alb
      • 080.6 Pegnitz-Kuppenalb
      • 080.7 Veldenstein Forest
    • 081 Middle Franconian Alb (Upper Palatinate Alb)
      • 081.0 Western surface Alb ("Neumarkter surface Alb ")
        • 081.00 Eismannsberg-Püscheldorfer Flachalb
        • 081.01 Southern part of the western surface Alb (between Pelchenhofen, Döllwang, Ober- and Unterbuchfeld, Batzhausen)
        • 081.02 Upper valley of the Schwarzen Laaber
        • 081.03 Upper valley of the White Laaber
      • 081.1 Kuppenalb ("Lauterach-Kuppenalb")
        • 081.11 Neukirchen-Königsteiner Kuppenalb
        • 081.12 Lower Högenbachtal
        • 081.13 Arzberg-Poppberger Kuppenalb
        • 081.14 Kastl-Hohenburger Kuppenalb
        • 081.15 Upper valley of the Lauterach (up to the confluence of the Mühlhausener valley)
        • 081.16 Valley of the Schwarzen Laaber near Parsberg and Lupburg
      • 081.2 Eastern Alb
        • 081.20 Western Vilsplatte
        • 081.21 Eastern Vilsplatte
        • 081.22 Southern Vilsplatte
        • 081.23 Naabplatte (between Beratzhausen-Kallmünz and Etterzhausen)
        • 081.24 Lower valley of the Lauterach
        • 081.25 Upper Vilstal
        • 081.26 Lower Vilstal
        • 081.27 Beratzhausen-Deuerlinger Tal der Schwarzen Laaber
        • 081.28 Burglengenfelder Naabtal
        • 081.29 Pielenhofen Naabtal
    • 082 Southern Franconian Alb
      • 082.0 Frankenalb near Ries
        • 082.00 eastern Ries foreheads
        • 082.01 Wörnitz breakthrough
        • 082.02 Flotzheim plateau
        • 082.03 Döckinger plateau
      • 082.1 Franconian Alb on the Danube side
      • 082.1 (10) Hienheimer Alb
      • 082.1 (11) Köschinger Forest
        • 082.10 Tagmersheim plateau
        • 082.11 Kaisheimer Alb
        • 082.12 Adelschlager plateau (description on sheet 172 Nördlingen)
        • 082.13 Hainbergalb
        • 082.14 Alluvial plain
        • 082.15 Nassenfelser Molassealb (description on sheet 172 Nördlingen)
        • 082.16 Rennertshofener terrace bay
        • 082.17 Neuburger Donauenge
        • 082.18 Köschinger Molasse Alb
        • 082.19 Theisinger Kuppenland
      • 082.2 Altmühlalb (western Altmühlalb)
      • 082.3 Northern part of the southern Franconian Alb (Eastern Altmühlalb)
        • 082.30 Western Sulzplatte (between Sulz and Gredinger Schwarzach)
        • 082.31 Sulztal (between Rappersdorf and Beilngries)
        • 082.32 Eastern Sulzplatte (between Sulz and Weißer Laaber)
        • 082.33 Lower valley of the White Laaber (= Untersburger Laabertal)
        • 082.34 Gumpertshausener Platte (between Weißer and Wissinger Laaber)
        • 082.35 Valley of the Wissinger Laaber
        • 082.36 Hemauer plateau
        • 082.37 Beilngries - Dietfurt valley zone
        • 082.38 Arzberg
        • 082.39 Wolfsberg
      • 082.4 Southern Altmühlalb
        • 082.40 Paulushofen-Wolfsbucher Altmühlplatte
        • 082.41 Schambachalb
        • 082.42 Lower Altmuehltal
        • 082.43 Hienheim Forest with Weltenburger Danube Gorge
        • 082.44 Staubinger heads
      • 082.5 Riedenburg-Paintener Altmühlalb
        • 082.50 Aichkirchener Landstufe and Paintener plateau
        • 082.51 Schönhofen-Sinzinger Tal der Schwarzen Laaber
        • 082.52 Eilsbrunn - Nittendorfer plateau
        • 082.53 Allinger Albrand
        • 082.54 Abbacher chalk step
        • 082.55 Kelheim-Sinzinger Danube Valley
        • 082.56 Baiersdorfer Riedel
        • 082.57 Viehhausener Kuppenland

Individual evidence

  1. a b Emil Meynen , Josef Schmithüsen (ed.): Handbook of the natural spatial structure of Germany . Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Remagen / Bad Godesberg 1953–1962 (9 deliveries in 8 books, updated map 1: 1,000,000 with main units 1960).
  2. ^ Heinz Späth: Geographical Land Survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 141 Coburg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1987. →  Online map (PDF; 5.0 MB)
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Karl Albert Habbe: The natural space units on sheet 153 Bamberg - A bundle of problems and a suggested structure. In: Announcements of the Franconian Geographical Society 2003/2004, pp. 55–102 ( PDF download )
  4. ^ Franz Tichy : Geographical Land Survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 163 Nuremberg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1973. →  Online map (PDF; 4.0 MB)
  5. ^ Dietrich-Jürgen Manske : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 164 Regensburg. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1981. →  Online map (PDF; 4.8 MB)
  6. Ralph Jätzold: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 172 Nördlingen. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 3.9 MB)
  7. Otto Sporbeck, Hansgeorg Schlichtmann: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 173 Ingolstadt. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1990. →  Online map (PDF; 3.6 MB)