Nicolae Constantin

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Nicolae Constantin (born May 28, 1925 in Ploieşti , Prahova district ) is a former Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was among other things from 1979 until the Romanian Revolution on 22 December 1989 member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCR and between 1987 and 1989 he was also President of the Central Party University. He was also Vice Prime Minister from 1979 to 1982 and again between 1984 and 1987.


Wood turner, university degree and party official

Constantin attended elementary school from 1932 to 1939 and then completed vocational training as a wood turner in Ploieşti. After completing his training in 1942, he worked in this profession, initially until February 1943 in the Romanian-American refinery there and then between February 1943 and October 1944 in the local metallurgical factory Mârgineanca , before returning to work as a wood turner from October 1944 to September 1950 was employed in the Romanian-American refinery. During this time he joined the then Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist din România) as a member in August 1945 .

In September 1950 Constantin began studying mechanical engineering at the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, which he completed in 1955. He then worked as a mechanical engineer at the factory on May 1 in Ploiesti active and then from 1956 to March 1958 as a senior engineer at the plant for prefabricated metals before March 1958 to November 1959 Director of the plant for chemical and refinery construction no. 2 Victoria was .

During his activity as director of the plant for shipyards and civil engineering in Brazi from November 1959 to October 11, 1961, he became a member of the office of the Ploieşti party committee in 1960 and in 1961 also completed an evening course in Marxism-Leninism . From October 11, 1961 to April 13, 1962, he was secretary for economics in the city party committee of Ploieşti, from April 13, 1962 to February 16, 1964, as deputy head of the Central Committee for economics From February 1st, 1964 to November 11th, 1965 he was Secretary for Economics of the Hunedoara County Party Committee .

Vice Minister and First Secretary in Galați County

On November 11, 1965, Constantin became vice minister for the mechanical engineering industry and held this office until October 13, 1969. During this time, he also studied at the party college " Ștefan Gheorghiu " between 1965 and 1968 . He was then from October 1969 to 1973 Secretary for Economics of the party committee in Arad County and then from 1972 to 1973 General Director of the Combine for Vehicle Construction (Centralei Industriale de Mașini Unelte) . He then became Secretary for Economics of the Bucharest Party Committee in 1973 and President of the City Council for the Control of the Work of Economic and Social Activities of Bucharest in 1974 and also since June 3, 1974 a member of the Central Council for the control of the work of economic and social activities .

Constantin then became First Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council in Galați County on January 27, 1977, and held these functions until December 30, 1978. He then served as Chairman of the between December 30, 1978 and March 26, 1979 Advisory staff to the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania , Nicolae Ceaușescu .

Central Committee Secretary and Vice Prime Minister in the Verdeț government

He then became a member of the PCR Central Committee at the twelfth party congress of the PCR from November 19 to 23, 1979, as well as a direct member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee and belonged to this top leadership body of the party until the Romanian Revolution on December 22, 1989 and with it related fall of Nicolae Ceaușescu . At the same time he was also Vice President of the Supreme Council for Economic Development from March 20, 1979.

Furthermore, he became Vice Prime Minister in the government of Prime Minister Ilie Verdeț on March 26, 1979 and held this office until May 22, 1982. At the same time he acted between March 30, 1979 and March 26, 1981 as President of the State Planning Committee and, from September 1, 1979, as President of the Party and State Commission for the Typification and Standardization of the Economy. In addition, since March 27, 1980, he was a member of the Office of the Party and State Commission on Economic Cooperation and International Relations. Furthermore, since March 24, 1981, he was also the permanent representative of Romania in the Council for Mutual Economic Aid (COMECON).

Minister, President of the UGSR and Vice-Prime Minister in the Dăscălescu government

In the government of Verdețs successor as Prime Minister, Constantin Dăscălescu , Constantin held the office of Minister for Foreign Trade and International Economic Cooperation (Ministru al Comerțului Exterior și Cooperârii Economice Internaționale) from May 22 to November 22, 1982 .

After leaving the government, he served between November 22, 1982 and September 29, 1984 as President of the Central Council of the General Union of Trade Unions in Romania UGSR (Uniunea Generală a Sindicatelor din România) . In addition, since December 8, 1982, he was also Vice President of the National Council of Working People.

Subsequently, Constantin returned to the Dăscălescu government on September 29, 1984 and held the post of Vice Prime Minister until April 15, 1987. In this function he was also President of the Coordination Council for Contouring, Specialization and Cooperation in the Mechanical Engineering Industry and the Metallurgical Industry from October 22, 1984. Since December 31, 1984, he has also been Vice President of the Central Council for Typing, Standardization, Norms and Quality. In 1986 he was also a member of the Executive Office of the Council of Ministers.

On March 25, 1987, he became president of the Central Party College (Colegiului Central de Partid) and also held this position until December 22, 1989.

In 1975 Constantin became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) for the first time and represented constituency no.17 Giulești until 1980 , then from 1980 to 1985 constituency no.3 Arad-Sud and most recently between 1985 and 1989 constituency no.1 Galați -Est . During his parliamentary membership, he was a member of the Committee on Industry and Economic and Financial Activities between 1975 and July 9, 1977, and then Secretary of the Grand National Assembly from July 9, 1977 to April 2, 1979.

honors and awards

Constantin has received several awards for his longstanding services and received the Order of Labor Third Class (Ordinul Muncii) , in 1981 and again in 1984 the Order of 23 August Second Class (Ordinul 23 August) and most recently in 1986 the Order of 23 August First Class .

Web links

  • Biography in Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționar , pp. 173-174