Ninel Nikolayevna Kuzmina

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Ninel Nikolaevna Kuzmina (2004)

Ninel Kuzmina Nikolaevna ( Russian Нинель Николаевна Кузьмина * 19th September 1937 in Svirstroy, Rajon lodeynoye pole , † 31 May 2020 ) was a Soviet - Russian architect and restorer .


Kuzmina studied at the Leningrad Institute of Civil Engineering (now St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction ).

From 1955 to 2010, Kuzmina worked in Novgorod (from 1999 Veliky Novgorod). She restored about 30 objects there, including in particular the Uspenije Church (Church of the Assumption of Mary) on the Wolotowo Field with its frescoes (350 m 2 ), which had been completely destroyed during the German-Soviet War . After the end of the war, the 1.7 million fresco fragments were preserved in the church ruins. On December 14, 1992, the Uspenije Church was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List . In August 1993, the Novgorod restorers began restoration work on the fresco fragments. In 2001 the restoration of the Uspenije Church began as part of a jointly financed German- Russian project. In 2002, a picture of a sailing boat with three warriors in chain armor was found on an unbaked brick from 1352 . The church was officially opened on August 28, 2003. The 1.7 million fresco fragments came to the Novgorod restoration workshop Fresko . In the summer of 2008 the first restored fresco was put back in its original place in the church.

Kuzmina was married and had children and grandchildren.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Юбилей отметит Почетный гражданин Великого Новгорода Кузьмина Нинель Николаевна (accessed April 1, 2020).
  2. Надежда ВЫЛЕГЖАНИНА: Женский лик зодчества . In: Новгородские Ведомости . September 20, 2012 ( [1] [accessed April 2, 2020]).
  3. Сенсационная находка на Волотовом поле (accessed April 2, 2020).
  4. Фрески церкви Успения на Волотовом поле (accessed April 2, 2020).
  5. Надписи и рисунки-граффити в храмах Великого Новгорода (фильм четвертый из 4-серийного гелаво April 2, 2020 (accessed April 2, 2020).
  6. Соколова Л .: Узнавание тайны . In: Novgorod . No. 37 , September 20, 2012 ( [2] [accessed April 2, 2020]).