Northern eagle

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Nordadler was a National Socialist -oriented association founded in northern Germany in 2017 , which the security authorities associate with right- wing terrorism . The Federal Ministry of the Interior under Horst Seehofer banned the group on June 5, 2020 under association law .


The Nordadler group was founded in early 2017. According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office , the group wanted to help National Socialism regain its strength in Germany . According to the information from her website and social networks, Nordadler represented a mixture of conspiracy theoretic , racist , Islamophobic and anti-Semitic positions. The group saw itself as a " self-sufficiency and opposition project" (sic!) And planned, according to their own statements, to acquire real estate in East Germany . Training centers were to be set up there and military sports exercises and training work based on the model of the Nazi Reich Labor Service were to be carried out. The Harz was intended as the center for this . A man who can be assigned to the group said in an interview with the NDR program “Panorama 3” that real estate had been acquired that was intended to serve as a retreat for the association. Houses in Mackenrode (Thuringia) were bought for this purpose .

The man named as the main responsible person on the Nordadler website is already known to the authorities: In December 2017 he was sentenced to a fine and community service by the Braunschweig Regional Court as an assistant to an IS sympathizer. He told the NDR that he had met the IS man in "National Socialist circles". According to him, Nordadler was an interest group of National Socialism and not a terrorist organization.

The federal prosecutor, however, suspected the group of wanting to carry out attacks in order to achieve its goals. The members had therefore tried to get weapons and ammunition , they also wanted to get materials for the construction of incendiary and explosive devices.

The group was not known to the public or to those familiar with the scene until the house searches in April 2018, according to the right terminus . In the group there were “parallels to other, partly isolated, right-wing extremist cells” that had formed during the refugee crisis .


The attorney general at the Higher Regional Court in Celle had investigated a number of men for forming a criminal organization . The Attorney General took over the proceedings in January 2018 and investigated four men as suspects on suspicion of founding a right-wing terrorist organization . In order to substantiate the suspicion, it should be checked whether the group has weapons or other items to inspect the attack. According to the police files, members of the association exchanged information about weapons and possible targets via the messenger service Telegram . Lists with personal data of anti-fascists and politicians were also created. According to a man who can be assigned to the group, the politicians should be “held accountable” if the Federal Republic of Germany collapsed.

With the help of various state criminal investigation offices , the Federal Prosecutor's Office carried out house searches in several federal states on April 16, 2018. The police searched apartments in Bremen-Blumenthal , in Dörpen in the district of Emsland , in Katlenburg-Lindau in the district of Northeim (Lower Saxony) and in Appen in the district of Pinneberg (Schleswig-Holstein) using special task forces . The apartment of a non-suspect person in Thuringia was also searched. According to investigators, the member of the Nordadler from the Northeim district had contact with a man who had already been convicted of preparing an explosives attack . According to information from the press, no weapons were found during the searches, but computers were confiscated. On the basis of the evaluation of the data carriers, the Federal Prosecutor's Office hoped to find out how dangerous the North Eagle Association is.

The federal prosecutor gave the further investigation after the raid to the management of the LKA Lower Saxony .


On the morning of June 23, 2020, the organization was banned from seven leaders in North Rhine-Westphalia , Saxony , Brandenburg and Lower Saxony by means of searches, which went without incident. In Lower Saxony they took place in Herzberg am Harz and in the Hanover region . Mainly electronic devices were found and secured.

The organization also used the names “Völkische Revolution”, “Völkische Jugend”, “Völkische Gemeinschaft” and “Völkische Renaissance” and supported Adolf Hitler . In total, several dozen people are assigned to the environment of this group.

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of a ban on associations against “NORDADLER” from June 5, 2020. In: BAnz AT 23.06.2020 B1
    Federal Interior Minister Seehofer prohibits “Nordadler” - right-wing extremist association with National Socialist ideology. Federal Ministry of the Interior, June 23, 2020, accessed on June 23, 2020 .
  2. a b Right-wing extremist group - Seehofer bans “North Eagle”. In: . June 23, 2020, accessed June 23, 2020 .
  3. ^ A b Tim Schulz: "North Eagle": Raids against alleged right-wing terrorist organization. In: April 17, 2018. Retrieved April 17, 2018 .
  4. a b c d Maren Schwarz: How dangerous are the "North Eagles"? In: bento . April 19, 2018, accessed June 26, 2020 .
  5. Right-Wing: North Eagle Member calls himself a National Socialist. In: Zeit Online . April 18, 2018, accessed April 18, 2018 .
  6. Julian Feldmann: Investigations "North Eagle": Right-wing extremist weirdos or terrorist cell? In: April 18, 2018, accessed June 26, 2020 . Robert Bongen, Julian Feldmann: After the raid: suspected right-wing terrorist expresses himself for the first time. In: NDR broadcast “ Panorama 3 ”. April 18, 2018, accessed June 23, 2020 .
  7. ^ Raid against suspected right-wing terrorists. In: April 17, 2018, archived from the original on April 17, 2018 ; accessed on April 17, 2018 .
  8. ^ Raids against right-wing extremists in Northern Germany. In: NDR Info . April 17, 2018, archived from the original on April 17, 2018 ; accessed on April 17, 2018 .
  9. Terrorist group "Nordadler": Right-wing extremists wanted to procure weapons and material for building bombs. In: Malfunction report on time online . April 17, 2018. Retrieved April 17, 2018 .
  10. "Northern Eagle": raids in Herzberg and Hanover. In: NDR 1 Lower Saxony . June 23, 2020, accessed June 26, 2020 .
  11. "Northern Eagle": Seehofer takes action against neo-Nazi group. In: . June 23, 2020, accessed June 23, 2020 .