Nowa Kamjanka (Schowkwa)

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Nowa Kamjanka
Нова Кам'янка
Coat of arms is missing
Nowa Kamjanka (Ukraine)
Nowa Kamjanka
Nowa Kamjanka
Basic data
Oblast : Lviv Oblast
Rajon : Zhovkva district
Height : 221 m
Area : 0.54 km²
Residents : 1,662 (2001)
Population density : 3,078 inhabitants per km²
Postcodes : 80330
Area code : +380 3252
Geographic location : 50 ° 12 '  N , 23 ° 48'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 11 '40 "  N , 23 ° 47' 41"  E
KOATUU : 4622786701
Administrative structure :
Address: пл. Лесі Українки 1
80330 с. Нова Кам'янка
Website : City council website
Statistical information
Nowa Kamjanka (Lviv Oblast)
Nowa Kamjanka
Nowa Kamjanka

Nowa Kamjanka ( Ukrainian Нова́ Ка́м'янка ; Russian Новая Каменка Nowaja Kamenka , Polish Kamionka Nowa ) is a village in Shovkva district in the Ukrainian Lviv Oblast . It is located on the right bank of the Rata on the border between Male Polissja and Rostotschtschja .


The name Kamjanka stands for a large amount of stones that had accumulated, especially in the southwest of the village. The former Kamjanka-Woloska is called Nowa Kamjanka since a new church was built there. Even before that time there were such parishes in this village: Kamjanka-Stare-Selo , Kamjanka-Lisowa , Kamjanka-Lypnyk .



Archaeologists conclude from finds from the Stone Age ( Paleolithic , Mesolithic , Neolithic ) that people have lived on the territory of the village for a long time. Tools from prehistoric times were found very often in the 1960s, once the arable land was tilled through the use of deep plowing . After plowing the soil 50 cm deep , the farmers found strange stone artifacts - tools of their ancestors. Since that time, many archaeological evidence has accumulated that was made about 4–7 millennia ago, and some, such as B. Stone blades , probably made 10,000 years ago. Among the artifacts were flint tools : knives, axes, sickles, blades, chisels , spearheads , arrows, etc .; made of stone: axes, hand axes, scrapers , hammers, knives, etc. a. The found objects are now available to amateurs, the School Museum in Nowa Kamjanka and the Historical Museum in Lviv. These prehistoric evidence of the past give the village a special status.

Village foundation

The village was first mentioned in the 16th century. At that time it belonged to the Bełz Voivodeship . The St. Theodosius Church was festively consecrated on May 16, 1867. The parish was approved with the consent of Ivan Stupnyzkyj - Bishop of Przemyśl . At that time the priests from the neighboring parishes held services in Nowa Kamyanka. The first pastor of the newly founded parish in Nowa Kamjanka was Viktor Syrotynskyj (1856–1925). The next priests were: 1925–1928 Mychajlo Vankowytsch, 1928–1945 Wasyl Kulynytsch, 1946–1953 Theodor Solohub, 1953–1962 Orest Lysjak and others.

The first elementary school was opened here in 1886. The children attended first and second grade each for two years. The headmaster at that time was Mr. Pryslonskyj and later Roman Yurtschynskyj.

On November 13, 1887, the place got a railway connection on the Lviv – Shovkva – Rava -Ruska line with the stop in Lypnyk . The village was under the rule of Jan Tchaikovsky (1813-1897) at that time .

The 20th century

In 1904 a reading room of " Proswita " ( Enlightenment ) was opened in Nowa Kamjanka .

On June 27, 1941, the battle between German and Soviet soldiers took place in the center of the village.

The kolkhoz was established here in 1950 .

On November 4, 1990, a renovated grave of the Sitsch riflemen in Nowa Kamjanka was inaugurated.


  • Історія міст і сіл Української РСР. Львівська область. - Київ, 1968. (Ukrainian)
  • СИНИЦЯ А. Історія села Нова Кам'янка: від найдавніших часів до сьогодення. - Львів: Видавництво Тараса Сороки, 2011. - 178 с. ISBN 978-966-8460-89-0 . (Ukrainian)
  • СЛОБОДЯН В. Церкви України. Перемиська єпархія. - Львів, 1998. - 863 с. (Ukrainian)

Web links

  • Local website on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian) accessed on February 20, 2018

Individual evidence