Anholt offshore wind farm

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"Anholt offshore wind farm"
Anholt offshore wind farm in August 2013
Anholt offshore wind farm in August 2013
Anholt offshore wind farm (Denmark)
Anholt offshore wind farm
Coordinates 56 ° 36 '0 "  N , 11 ° 12' 36"  E Coordinates: 56 ° 36 '0 "  N , 11 ° 12' 36"  E
country Denmark
Waters Kattegat
Type Offshore wind farm
Primary energy Wind energy
power 400 MW (electric)
owner Dong Energy
Start of operations 2013
turbine 111 × Siemens SWT-3.6-120
was standing September 2013

The offshore wind farm Anholt is an offshore wind farm in the Kattegat between the port city of Grenaa and the eponymous island . With a nominal output of 400  MW , it was the most powerful offshore wind farm in Denmark when it was officially commissioned on September 4, 2013 .


The total area of ​​the wind farm, which is located 15 km from the east coast of Jutland , is 88 km², the island of Anholt is 20 km away. The port of Grenaa serves as the starting point for the construction of the wind farm, but also for the subsequent maintenance, individual large components are delivered directly from the manufacturer to the wind farm.

Overall, the wind farm is expected to provide electrical energy for around 400,000 Danish households, corresponding to around 4% of Danish electricity consumption . The feed-in tariff for the first 20  TWh is 105.1  øre / kWh (corresponding to approx. 14 ct / kWh). Then, after around 12-13 years of operation, the electrical energy produced is sold on the free market without any further subsidies.


For use 111 come wind turbines of the type Siemens SWT 3.6-120 with a rated output of 3.6 MW, a rotor diameter of 120 meters and a hub height of 81.6 meters, the total height of the plants, consequently, to the rotor tip is 141.6 meters. The wind turbines were installed at water depths between 15 and 19 meters. Monopiles were used as the foundation , which, depending on the location of the turbine, have a length of 33 to 47 meters and are rammed between 20 and 30 meters into the seabed. The wind turbines are connected to the wind farm's own transformer platform via medium-voltage cables, which were manufactured by the manufacturer Nexans in Germany , whose transformers transform the AC voltage from 33 kV to 220 kV. An export cable runs from the transformer platform to Trige near Aarhus , where there is a connection to the Danish extra- high voltage network. The submarine cable runs 25 km to the landing point north of Grenaa, from there 55 km overland to Trige.


The wind farm was planned by the Danish energy supply company Dong Energy , which received approval for construction in July 2010. In March 2011, Dong Energy sold 50% of the shares to a consortium made up of PensionDanmark , which acquired 30% of the shares, and PKA , which took over the remaining 20%.

The offshore work began on New Year's Eve 2011 with the ramming of the first monopile, one day before the originally planned start of construction. Construction work officially began on January 13, 2012. At the beginning of August, all 111 monopiles including transition pieces were installed. The cabling was carried out according to the schedule, the first wind turbines were installed from September 2012. The first turbine fed electrical energy into the grid at the end of September, and more followed by the end of the year. The last wind turbine was erected on May 19, 2013 and connected to the grid one month later, so that from June 19, 2013 all wind turbines were in operation. The wind farm was officially commissioned on September 5, 2013.

During construction, a safety zone was set up around the wind farm construction site, in which ship movements were prohibited.

See also

Web links

Commons : Anholt Offshore Wind Farm  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Siemens: Denmark's largest offshore wind power plant inaugurated . In: , September 5, 2013, accessed on September 5, 2013
  2. Anholt offshore wind farm inaugurated . In: Schiff & Hafen , issue 10/2013, p. 57
  3. Anholt Offshore Wind Farm will be the largest in Denmark ( Memento of the original from September 30, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Danish Energy Agency, accessed April 7, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. substation and cabling . Dong Energy website, accessed April 7, 2012
  5. "Pension Danmark and PKA to become co-owners of Denmark's large largest offshore wind" . Dong Energy press release, accessed March 30, 2012
  6. Anholt Offshore Wind Farm Newsletter, January 2012 . Retrieved March 1, 2012
  7. Today we start construction of Anholt Offshore Wind Farm . Dong Energy press release, accessed April 7, 2012
  8. ^ First power from Anholt offshore wind farm . Dong Energy press release, accessed February 8, 2013
  9. Wind energy topped 30% of Danish power consumption at the end of 2012 ., accessed February 8, 2013
  10. Anholt Offshore Wind Farm Newsletter . Dong Energy website, accessed September 5, 2013
  11. It's getting tighter in the Kattegatt ., accessed April 7, 2012