Olga Beggrow-Hartmann

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Olga Beggrow-Hartmann: In the kitchen before 1890

Olga Beggrow-Hartmann (born October 29, 1862 in Heidelberg ; † January 12, 1922 in Munich ) was a Russian-German painter .

Olga Beggrow, granddaughter of the Russian lithographer Karl Petrowitsch Beggrow (1799–1875), received her artistic training from Nikolai von Grünewaldt and Ferdinand Keller at the Stuttgart Art Academy . After graduating, she worked as a painter in Saint Petersburg and traveled to Italy and France . After 1887, Olga Hartmann, married to the painter Karl Hartmann (1861–1927), lived in Munich. In addition to still lifes , the painter created humorous genre pictures with children as the preferred motif.

Olga Beggrow-Hartmann's daughter Ingeborg (1891–1965) also became a painter and married the set designer Leo Pasetti . Olga Beggrow-Hartmann found her final resting place in Munich's north cemetery .


Web links

Commons : Olga Beggrow-Hartmann  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files