Olga Ewertowna Knorring-Neustrueva

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Olga Ewertowna Knorring Neustrujewa until the October Revolution Olga Ewertowna von Knorring , ( Russian Ольга Эвертовна Кнорринг-Неуструева ; May 24 * . Jul / 5. June  1887 . Greg in St. Petersburg , † 1978 in Leningrad ) was a Russian - Soviet Botanist . Your botanical author abbreviation is " Knorring ".


Knorring came from the noble Knorring family . She was the youngest daughter of the Swedish - Finnish Colonel Ewert Kasimir von Knorring (1843-1888) and his Russian wife Lyubow Arsenjewna Schabitschewa († 1893) and was baptized Russian Orthodox like her five siblings .

From a young age Knorring worked in the St. Petersburg Imperial Botanical Garden . Although she was unable to study at university, she received her doctorate in 1907 as a candidate in biological sciences. From 1908 she took part in numerous botanical expeditions in Turkestan and Central Asia . She came into closer contact with Boris Alexejewitsch Fedtschenko and Vladimir Leontjewitsch Komarow .

Knorring considerably expanded the collections of the Herbarium of the Botanical Garden, which in 1931, together with the Botanical Museum, became the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad. In Central Asia she traveled on foot, on horseback, donkey and camel. She often traveled with her cousin Sinaida Alexandrovna von Minkwitz , who like her had become a botanist. Knorring created the first map of Turkestan's vegetation , which Fedchenko included in his book on Turkestan's vegetation. She was one of the first to describe the flora in the area of ​​today's Uzbek Zomin National Park on the northern slope of the Turkestan chain ( Jizzax province ). Knorring's main research focus was the mint family . Particularly intense they examined the genus Lagochilus with the noise mint . She wrote many articles on the lily family and mint for the book on the flora of the USSR .

Knorring was married to the explorer and geologist Sergei Semjonowitsch Neustrujew (1874–1928). She was a member of the All Union Botany Society and the Geographical Society of the USSR , whose Small Gold Medal she received.

Plants named after Knorring


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Известные ботаники: Кнорринг-Неуструева, Ольга Эвертовна (Knorring, Olga Evertovna) (accessed January 31, 2020).
  2. a b c Райкова И. А., Пятаева А. Д., Закуев И. З .: Ольга Эвертовна Кнорринг-Неструева (К 85-летию со дня рождения) . In: Узб. биол. журн. No. 4 , 1972, p. 70-71 .
  3. Collector: Knorring OE (accessed January 31, 2020).
  4. Кнорринг О. Э. фон, Минквиц З. А. фон: Растительность Перовского уезда Сыр-Дарьинской области . St. Petersburg 1913.
  5. В.Е. Соколова, Е.Е. Сыроечковский (Ed.): Заповедники Средней Азии и Казахстана . Мысль, Moscow 1990, ISBN 5-244-00273-2 .