Operation Dawn 2

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Operation Dawn 2
Part of: First Gulf War
date July 22 , 1983 to July 30, 1983
place Kurdistan Autonomous Region
output Decisive Iranian victory
consequences Iran conquers Haj Omran
Parties to the conflict

Iraq 1963Iraq Iraq

IranIran Iran PeshmergaFlag of the Kurdistan Region

Operation Dawn 2 (Persian Valfajr 2 ; in English literature mostly translated as Operation Dawn 2 ) was an Iranian offensive during the Iran-Iraq war that lasted from July 22nd to 30th, 1983.

This operation opened a new front in northern Iraq and, despite Turkish aid, was the weak point on the Iraqi front while the Kurds entered the war on Iran's side.


In the year before the offensive, the Iraqi and Iranian armed forces were stalemated on the southern front.

The Iranians repeatedly used waves of human attack in the southern marshes , but these were repulsed by the Iraqi Third Corps .

Meanwhile, the Iranian government managed to win the favor of the Kurdish people in the northern part of Iraq, so that the chance of deciding the war in the north increased. The aim of the operation was to conquer the border town of Haj Omran and to pull the Peshmerga on their side, as they knew the terrain and the people.


On July 22, 1983, Iranian forces advanced west from Piranshahr and were very successful against the Iraqis in Haj Omran and were able to conquer the city. The Iranians and Kurdish guerrillas used the terrain for raids on Iraqi positions and convoys and were able to conquer a total of around 390 km² of Iraqi territory.

Iraq responded with a counter-offensive and the use of chemical weapons. The inexperienced Iraqis often made mistakes with the warfare agent, so that their own troops were also affected. The Iraqis could hardly use tanks because of the terrain .

Web links

  • The Longest War , by Dilip Hiro, Routledge, Chapman, and Hall, 1991
  • The Iran-Iraq War , by Stephen Pelletiere, Praeger Publishers, New York, NY, 1992.
  • The first Gulf War