Orange flour slice

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Orange flour slice
Orange-colored flour disc (Aleurodiscus amorphus) infested with flour disc tremor (Tremella mycophaga; circled in red)

Orange-colored flour disc ( Aleurodiscus amorphus ) infested with flour disc tremor ( Tremella mycophaga ; circled in red)

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Russulales (Russulales)
Family : Layer mushroom relatives (Stereaceae)
Genre : Flour slices ( Aleurodiscus )
Type : Orange flour slice
Scientific name
Aleurodiscus amorphus
( Pers  .: Fr. ) J. Schröt.

The orange-colored flour disk ( Aleurodiscus amorphus ) is a type of mushroom from the family of the layer mushroom relatives . It forms annual disc-shaped or bowl-shaped fruiting bodies that grow on dying and dead branches. The fructification usually takes place in late autumn to spring, but can take place all year round. The species is distributed holarctic and occurs in the temperate zone .


Macroscopic features

The orange-colored flour disc has 3–10 mm large, round, disc-shaped or bowl-shaped basidiocarpies . Its edge is slightly protruding or bent up. When fresh, the hymenium is a strong orange-pink, when drying it becomes orange-ocher. The edge and the underside are always white and finely felted.

Microscopic features

As with all flour discs , the hyphae structure of the orange flour disc is monomitic , i.e. it only consists of generative hyphae. The hyaline basidia are four-pored, rarely two-pored. The spores sitting on them are broadly ellipsoidal, 20–26 × 16–20  µm in size. They appear warty in Melzer's reagent , but smooth in KOH . The hyphae have no buckles or dendro hyphidia (root-like hyphae ends in the hymenium).


The species area of ​​the orange-colored flour disk is Holarctic and is largely limited to the temperate zone . As a frequent colonist of silver fir ( Abies alba ), the fungus is closely tied to their area of ​​distribution.


The orange-colored flour disc is a saprobiont that attacks dying and dead branches and twigs of silver firs and, more rarely, Norway spruces ( Picea abies ). The species is often associated with other fungi, such as Hymenochaete cruenta and Lachnellula spp. socialized. It often serves as a host for the flour disk tremor ( Tremella mycophaga ). The orange-colored flour slice can usually be found in high-rainfall, humid areas in forests with a high number of fir trees.


Web links

Commons : Orange Flour Disc ( Aleurodiscus amorphus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files