Hurricane Xylia

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storm hurricane
Emergence October 27, 1998
Climax October 28, 1998
resolution October 31, 1998
Top gust 190 km / h (Wendelstein, 28 October 1998 01:00 )
Lowest air pressure 965.5 hPa (20.8E, 61.4N, 28 October 1998 15:00 )
affected areas Germany , Denmark , the Netherlands
Victim 6 fatalities

The hurricane Xylia was active between 27 October to 31 October 1998 in Central Europe. The highest wind speed reached was measured at 190 km / h (52.7 m / s) on Wendelstein . The highest total of precipitation fell in Geroldsau with 131.3 l / m² . While northern Germany was particularly affected by heavy precipitation on October 27 and 28, the focus of precipitation shifted to southern Germany on the following day.


The already extremely wet October 1998 was intensified by the large amounts of rain brought by hurricane Xylia. New monthly precipitation records have been set at some measuring stations.

In Hamburg , 8000 tons of leaves were blown from the trees, which blocked the rain drains and exacerbated the problem of heavy rains. There, among other things, the cellar of the Senate and the town hall had to be pumped out by the fire brigade.

In the Emsland, the Hase dike had to be reinforced with 180,000 sandbags. The Alfsee , located in the upper reaches of the Hase, was almost completely filled with the associated reserve basin.

The total damage caused by the hurricane is estimated at 100 million DM.




Maximum gust force on mountains:

Lower Saxony

Maximum gust force in the lowlands on October 28th:


On October 28, the Weser-Ems area in particular was affected by high levels of precipitation. In some places in Lower Saxony, up to 80 l / m² of rain fell on this day. On the following October 29th, the Black Forest was badly affected, especially in congestion.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Windspitze on Wendelstein
  2. Orkan Xyliy Extreme Wind Storms (XWS) Catalog
  3. RP-Online Chronology: Severe hurricanes of the past ten years in Europe, from October 28, 2002
  4. German Weather Service: "Description and climatological assessment of the hurricane" Kyrill "";
  5. Hamburger Morgenpost on October 29, 1998: ", Xylia ': With Tempo 100 into Chaos"; accessed on October 9, 2018
  6. Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung on June 18, 2013: "180000 sandbags for the Emsland"; accessed on October 9, 2018
  7. on the total damage caused by the severe weather in 1998
  8. Wind gusts on October 28 at