Orlando Yorio

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Orlando Virgilio Yorio (born December 20, 1932 in Santos Lugares , Argentina , † August 9, 2000 in Montevideo , Uruguay ) was a clergyman and Jesuit in Argentina and Uruguay.


Yorio first studied law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and interrupted his studies in 1955 to enter the Jesuit order. He then studied humanities in Córdoba , Santiago de Chile and San Miguel and received his license to teach philosophy (Licenciado) in 1961. In 1967 he was also licensed to teach theology and taught at the theological faculty in San Miguel . He worked for the magazine Strómata , an organ of liberation theology .

According to the sociologist and curator Roberto Baschetti, Yorio was a member of the Movimiento de Sacerdotes para el Tercer Mundo (Movement of Priests for the Third World) and a militant Peronist.

During his studies he met Franz Jalics , with whom he worked in the Bajo Flores slum in Buenos Aires from 1974 . Her religious provincial was Mario Bergoglio .

According to Marina Rubino, around 1975 the Padres applied to be transferred to Bishop Miguel Raspanti of the Diocese of Morón . However, Raspanti only wanted to take one padre. As Bergoglio stated in 1979, Yorio and Luis Dourrón were expelled from the Order on March 19, after the official dissolution of their small community in Bajo Flores in February 1976. Yorio, on the other hand, only learned of his expulsion on May 20, 1976, according to his information, when Jalics visited Superior General Arrupe in Rome in the summer of 1977.

When Yorio and Jalics were kidnapped by the military on May 23, 1976, Dourrón managed to escape by bicycle. They were released on October 23, 1976. Two days later, at the bishops' conference, he submitted a first report in which he described his torture (Legajo No. 6328). The next day Bergoglio visited him at his mother's house to take care of his transfer to ( incardination with) Bishop Novak. Under the protection of the nunciature, Bergoglio looked after Yorio's documents.

Jorge Novak , the bishop of the newly established Quilmes diocese , helped Yorio leave the country. He stayed in Rome for almost eight years, where he studied canon law. Bergoglio campaigned for his admission to the Pio Latino school and integration into the Gregoriana . According to Verbitsky , on November 24, 1977, he reportedly sent an extensive report to the deputy director general of the Society of Jesus, Father Moura, expressing his confusion about his exclusion from the Order.

Back in Argentina, Yorio reported to the Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas . In Quilmes he held various positions in the diocese until he was appointed pastor in Berazategui . Here he also became the first professor at the Centro de Estudios Filosóficos y Teológicos de Quilmes (CEFITEQ). From 1994 he participated in the Opción por los pobres (option for the poor).

Since threats made it impossible to stay there, he moved to the Archdiocese of Montevideo in 1997 and served as pastor of the St. Bernadette Community.

He died of a heart attack on August 9, 2000. On the 12th anniversary of his death, his urn was buried at the Centro de estudios filosóficos y teológicos de Quilmes (CEFITEQ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Magazine umbral , Revista de actualidad religiosa latino americana , Montevideo, Uruguay, No. 120, August 2001, p. 30.
  2. Rodolfo Kusch, Las religiones nativas , sn 1987, p. 8f
  3. militantes del peronismo revolucionario uno por uno. Yorio, Orlando Virgilio. Roberto Baschetti, accessed March 28, 2013 (Spanish).
  4. ^ Churches - Pope: Franziskus: Quiet and contentious Jesuit from Buenos Aires. Süddeutsche.de, March 14, 2013, archived from the original on March 15, 2013 ; accessed on March 28, 2013 .
  5. Philipp Lichterbeck: The two faces of Pope Francis. Der Tagesspiegel, March 15, 2013, accessed on March 23, 2013 .
  6. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/16/article-2294580-18B918CC000005DC-484_634x536.jpg ( Memento from March 22, 2013 on WebCite )
  7. http://www.cij.gov.ar/adj/pdfs/ADJ-0.528228001325176851.pdf
  8. http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/conadep/nuncamas/353.html
  9. ^ P. Orlando Yorio. El testimonio y la entrega de un pastor. Umbrales March 28, 2013; Archived from the original on March 17, 2013 ; Retrieved March 28, 2013 (Spanish).
  10. Yorio, Orlando Virgilio: Desde los Pobres a todos . A partir de los documentos de la Iglesia el Padre Orlando Yorio responde preguntas de la vida de un Pueblo. Ed .: Silvia Liaudat y Eduardo Caram. 2ª edition. Ediciones Didascalia., Santa Fe, Argentina. 2015, ISBN 978-950-787-091-0 , pp. 132 ( com.ar [PDF; accessed October 17, 2015]).
  11. Trasladan las cenizas del padre Yorio al CEFITEQ. Obispado de Quilmes, archived from the original on August 4, 2012 ; Retrieved March 28, 2013 (Spanish).