Ostap Terlezkyj

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Ostap Stepanowytsch Terlezkyj ( Ukrainian Остап Степанович Терлецький * 5. February 1850 in Nasirna , Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria , Austria-Hungary ; † 22. July 1902 in Lvov , Galicia, Austria-Hungary) was a Ukrainian political and social activist, journalist and Literary critic .


Ostap Terlezkyj was born in the village of Nasirna ( Назірна ), in today's Kolomyja district of the Ukrainian Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, to a priestly family. In 1872 he graduated from the Philosophical Faculty of Lviv University , where he also studied history. He then worked in the library of the University of Vienna and began studying at the Faculty of Law in 1878, which he completed in 1883 as a doctor of law.

Terlezkyj was heavily influenced by the political ideals of Mychajlo Drahomanov , whom he met in 1873, as well as by the views of Serhiy Podolynskyj , and played a key role in the development of the populist socialist movement among the Galician Ukrainians. He was one of the first promoters of Karl Marx's economics in Ukraine and assisted Drahomanow and Podolynskyj in the publication of four influential brochures in Ukrainian. He was also president of the Wiener Sich-Studentengesellschaft from 1874 to 1877. In June 1877 he was arrested together with Iwan Franko , Mychajlo Pawlyk and other activists for alleged membership of a secret socialist circle, brought in shackles from Vienna to Lemberg and charged, which is why he lost his post as university librarian after 8 months of imprisonment. Terlezkyj was a co-founder of the Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party, established in 1890 . From 1895 he worked as a lawyer in a law firm in Lemberg, where he died in 1902.

Work (selection)

  • Першопричини великоруського народу (1873)
  • Галицько-руський нарід і галицько-руські народовці (1874)
  • Лихва на Буковині (1878)
  • Літературні стремління галицьких русинів від 1772 до 1872 (1895)
  • Галицько - руське письменство у 1848–1875 рр. (1903)
  • Історія української держави. Княжа доба (published 1923)
  • Історія української держави. Козацька доба (published 1924)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Entry on Ostap Terlezkyj in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on August 5, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  2. Short biography Ostap Stepanowytsch Terlezkyj on pidruchniki.com ; accessed on August 5, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  3. a b c Entry on Terletsky, Ostap in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine ; accessed on August 5, 2019
  4. ^ State and Law in the Views of the Ukrainian Socialists and Radicals on studies.in.ua ; accessed on August 5, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  5. a b c d e f g Entry on Ostap Terlezkyj in the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia ; accessed on August 5, 2019 (Ukrainian)