Ivan Franko

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Ivan Franko (1886)

Iwan Franko ( Ukrainian Іван Франко , scientific transliteration Ivan Franko ; born August 27, 1856 in Nahujewytschi , Galicia , Austrian Empire ; † May 28, 1916 in Lemberg , Galicia, Austria-Hungary ) was a Ukrainian writer, journalist, literary critic and translator . In addition to Taras Shevchenko , he had a great influence on the emerging Ukrainian literature and the development of national Ukrainian thought.


Ivan Franko was born in 1856 as the son of Jakow Franko, a village blacksmith of German descent, and his wife Maria (née Kultschytska), who came from an impoverished Russian - Polish aristocratic family, in Nahujewytschi in what is now Drohobych Rajon in eastern Galicia. The original family name was Frank. His father died in the spring of 1865 when Iwan was nine years old. After graduating from Drohobych secondary school, he studied philology , pedagogy , psychology , anthropology and Ukrainian language and literature at the philosophical faculty of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv , which is named after him, since 1875 .

One of the many portraits of Iwan Franko painted by the literary critic and impressionist painter Iwan Trusch .

During this time Franko became a member of the student group Academic Circle (ukr. Академический кружок ) and co-edited its literary magazine Freund (ukr. Друг ). The literary magazine Dnistrianka published Franko's first stories in 1876: Lessyshyna chelyad (ukr. Лесишина челядь ) and two friends (ukr. Два приятелі ); In the same year the first volume of poetry Ballads and Fairy Tales (ukr. Балади і розкази ) was published. In 1877, shortly after the publication of the first texts from the Borislav cycle (ukr. Цикл Борислав ), Franko and his colleagues from the editorial team were arrested for alleged socialist "secret bundling"; After eight months of pre-trial detention, he was sentenced to six weeks' arrest in January 1877. After continuing his studies and at the same time working as an author and editor (founding of the later banned magazine Gesellschaftfreund (ukr. Громадський друг )), another arrest took place in March 1880 for "inciting the common people against the legal order". Franko's impressions from the three months imprisonment in Kolomyja are recorded in his play Am Grund (ukr. На дні ). Under these circumstances, Franko was unable to complete his studies and lived in his home village of Nahujowice for two years. During this time, the novella Sachar Berkut (ukr. Захар Беркут ), the translations of Goethe's Faust and Heine's Germany. A winter fairy tale and a series of articles about Taras Shevchenko .

In the following years Franko immersed himself in Lemberg in the national and literary history of the Galician Ukraine; he worked for the Ukrainian magazines Stern (ukr. Зоря ) and Tat (ukr. Діло ) and traveled to Kiev in 1885 and 1886 , where he married Olha Choruschynska (ukr. Ольга Федорівна Хоружинська , 1864–1941) in May 1886 Because of his contacts with Kiev students visiting Galicia, Franko was imprisoned again for two months in 1889. In 1890 Franko founded the two-week publication Volk (ukr. Народ ) and published the collection Im Schweisße des Angesichts (ukr. У поті чола ). The Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party was founded in 1890 on his and his friend's Mychajlo Pavlyk's initiative .

In order to complete his studies, Franko enrolled for the last semester at the Franz Joseph University in Chernivtsi in 1892 after he was no longer admitted to the Lviv University. After graduating, he spent another semester at the Slavonic Seminar at the University of Vienna , where on July 1, 1893, he defended his dissertation on Barlaam and Josaphat and the unicorn parable , written in German . He had submitted it to Vatroslav Jagić , who at the time was professor of Slavic philology at the University of Vienna. Franko stayed in touch with him even after graduating. Also in 1893 appeared his drama Stolen Happiness (ukr. Украдене щастя ), which was performed at the theater Ruthenian Conversation (ukr. Руська бесіда ). In 1894 he went with Mychajlo Hruschewskyj to Lemberg , where he was involved in the Shevchenko Scientific Society , of which he became a full member in 1899. Franko ran unsuccessfully in the 1897 Reichsrat election . In 1898 they celebrated their 25th anniversary as a poet. Poems such as The Burial ( Ukrainian Похорон ), My Smaragd (Мій Ізмарагд) and The poor Heinrich ( Ukrainian Бідний Генріх ) were written during this time. In 1904 Franco visited Rome . University professors also suggested him as a candidate for the Russian Academy of Sciences ; political influence prevented it from being accepted. He died at the age of 59 and was buried in the Lychakiv Cemetery.


The University of Kharkiv awarded the poet an honorary doctorate in 1906. The Shevchenko Scientific Society elected him an honorary member in 1904. In the last years of his life, the poet received honors such as the celebration of his 40th anniversary as a poet in 1914 and the publication of anniversary anthologies such as Greetings to Iwan Franko (ukr. Привіт Іванові Франкові ) and from my youth (ukr. Із літ моєїт моєїт моєї молодості ). The city of Ivano-Frankivsk and the Oblast of Ivano-Frankivsk have been named after Franko since 1962 . The University of Lviv ( Lviv in Ukrainian ) bears his name. Reverence for Franco is ubiquitous in modern Ukraine. A class of five passenger and cruise ships built between 1963 and 1972 was named after him. The asteroid (2428) Kamenyar, discovered in 1977, was named in honor of Franko, who was nicknamed Kamenyar after one of his literary figures .

Poems by Iwan Franko

Ivan Franko's tomb in the Lychakivski Cemetery in Lviv
Relief by Ivan Franko in Donetsk
Monument to Iwan Franko at the St. Barbara Church in Vienna

From "withered leaves"

Do you hear in the night close to the window with you?
Someone weep and sob heavily;
Then keep calm, my child, don't open the door to anyone
Don't ask, don't ask who it would be.
It will not be an orphan who errs without a mother.
Not a beggar either, you star of my heart!
It will only be love that led me to you
Just the agony of my bleeding pain
And will never bloom like a flower
Like the Levkoje full of fragrance and gold,
and do you also go to strangers
into the sea of ​​gray, dull everyday life, fair girl;
You always stay pure in my heart and mind
And holy as I wanted to love you;
Like flowers that are not disfigured by frost and glow;
How ideal - full of shine, because far from the worlds.
I will carry you long in my heart
Full of love, like in a temple hall,
And I'll make your beauty into a song
the brilliance of the eyes to the word of the brightest sound
And the coral mouth to the sound of rhythms ...
And like the golden fly in the crystal
The amber must last forever -
Will you bloom as long as my song will be heard

From “My Ismavogd”, “Homage” cycle III

Your yoke is heavy, it's so heavy to bear
O you, my country!
As if it were a cross, I have to sink under it.
And drink a cup full of poison on the run
From your country.
I bless you anyway! And like the distant future
At last crown you with splendor and prestige -
I beg that Heaven may grant you only one thing:
That they do not flee from you - the best of your sons
Put away by agony and hunger.
That your creators host their own offspring
Has to endure no scorn
And that their monument will be like only those 'stones,
The ones hurled against them here on earth
In gratitude for their beneficial seeds.


  • About Barlaam and Josaphat and the unicorn parable. Dissertation, Vienna 1893.
  • Contributions to the history and culture of Ukraine: Selected German writings of the revolutionary democrat. 1882-1915. Edited and introduced by Eduard Winter and Peter Kirchner (= sources and studies on the history of Eastern Europe. Vol. 14). Academy, Berlin 1963.
  • Vivere memento! Anthology of works in German by Ivan Franko / editors: Alla Paslawska, Tobias Vogel, Alois Woldan. - Lviv: VNTL-Klasyka, 2016. - 300 pages - ISBN 978-966-8849-71-8

See also


Web links

Commons : Iwan Franko  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Iwan Franko  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry on Franko, Ivan in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine ; accessed on May 4, 2017
  2. Ivan Franko class ( Memento of the original from July 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at sea.infoflot.ru, accessed on October 15, 2016 (English)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / sea.infoflot.ru
  3. (2428) Kamenyar Dictionary of Minor Planet Names by Lutz D. Schmadel ; accessed on August 16, 2018
  4. The original of the dissertation is in the manuscript department of the Ševčenko Institute for Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Fond 3, N 274)