Ott Raun

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Ott Raun (born July 19, 1940 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian writer and journalist .


Ott Raun went to school in Tallinn from 1948 to 1959 and then worked for two years in a fish company. From 1965 to 1969 he studied Estonian language and literature at the Tallinn University of Education . He then worked from 1969 to 1975 in the editorial department of the pedagogical and didactic magazine Nõukogude Õpetaja . From 1975 to 1998 he worked in the editorial department of the most important Estonian literary magazine Looming . He then moved to the newly founded historical magazine Tuna as editor-in-chief , which he still heads today.

Ott Raun was one of the founding members and driving force of the literary group Wellesto . Since 1992 he has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union . The Estonian writer Vallo Raun is his brother, whose son Mait Raun , also an Estonian writer and politician, is consequently his nephew.

Literary work

Raun made his debut in the magazine Noorus in 1963 and published his first volume of poetry in 1973. The writer Jaan Kaplinski praised the debutant here for not caring about “traditional depth”, but for trying to discover “poetry in the everyday life of everyday people in their everyday surroundings”. However, Raun was not unanimously praised, there were also critical voices.

After that there was a longer break, and Raun did not publish his next book until 1990, his first novel. which was received very critically. His subsequent volumes of poetry received more positive reviews, although critical voices were not lacking here either. So far, Ott Raun has a total of six volumes of poetry, three novels, a collection of essays and a volume of memories.


  • Hobusel on täna sünnipäev. Luuletusi 1964–1972 ('It's the horse's birthday today. Poems 1964–1972'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1973. 70 pp.
  • Kõrvaltegelased ('minor characters'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1990. 240 pp.
  • Kummelilõhn kiriukus ('the scent of chamomile in the church'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat. 80 pp.
  • Kuningas, kes tahtis olla fool. Romaan ('The king who wanted to be a fool. Roman'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat. 168 pp.
  • Silmlill ('eye flower'). Tallinn: Huma 1996. 77 pp.
  • Vaikne eestlane ('The silent Estonian', collection of articles). Tallinn: Virgela 1998. 191 pp.
  • Te (k) st ('Text / Test'). Tallinn: SE&JS 2000. 207 pp.
  • Kaheks saa. Luulet 2001–2002 (' Become two. Seal 2001–2002'). Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2002. 86 pp.
  • Mandrake. Luulet 2004-2005 . ('Mandrake. Poetry 2004-2005'). Tallinn: Verb 2005. 93 pp.
  • Iseenese väljanäitus. Luulet 1965-2005 . ('Self-exhibition. Poetry 1965–2005'). Tallinn: Verb 2010. 183 pp.
  • Vaimu vend. Meenutusi: esimene veerandsada . ('Brother of the Spirit. Memories: The First Quarter Hundred'). Tartu : Ilmamaa 2015. 384 pp.

Secondary literature

  • Jaan Kaplinski: Luuleraamatuaasta 1973, in: Looming 5/1974, pp. 834-857.
  • Aivo Lõhmus: Kes on hobune ja kas tal on sünnipäev ?, in: Looming 5/1974, pp. 867–869.
  • Priidu Beier: Kõrvaltegelane trügib peaossa, in: Looming 12/1990, pp. 1706–1707.
  • Paula Sering: Maadligi taevas, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 1/1991, p. 55.
  • Ivo Rull: Küündimatu triviaalromaan, in: Vikerkaar 3/1991, pp. 90-91.
  • Vaapo Vaher: Kas Ott Raun on tulnukas ?, in: Looming 6/1991, pp. 843-844.
  • Jaan Niilus: Kuningas, udu ja vaim, in: Looming 3/1996, pp. 417-420.
  • Paula Sering: Meest sõnadest, in: Looming 3/1997, pp. 409-410.
  • Olev Remsu : Ideologiseeritud armastus, in: Looming 11/2000, pp. 1743-1744.
  • Berk Vaher : Olemata olla on olla teine, in: Looming 7/2003, pp. 1099–1101.
  • Ivar Sild : Tehnika logiseb, in: Looming 11/2005, pp. 1741–1743.
  • Guys Arula: Vaino Vahing yes Ott Raun. Katkendeid Tartus Tampere Majas toimunud vestlusõhtult, in: Sirp October 12, 2001, pp. 6-7.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000. p. 454.
  2. Jump up Jaan Kaplinski: Luuleraamatuaasta 1973, in: Looming 5/1974, p. 854.
  3. Aivo Lõhmus : Kes on hobune ja kas tal on sünnipäev ?, in: Looming 5/1974, pp. 867–869.
  4. Ivo Rull: triviaalromaan Küündimatu in: Vikerkaar 3/1991, pp 90-91.
  5. z. B. Berk Vaher: Olemata olla on olla teine, in: Looming 7/2003, pp. 1099-1101.
  6. Ivar Sild: Tehnika logiseb in: Looming 11/2005, pp 1741-1743.