Aivo Lõhmus

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Aivo Lõhmus (born July 21, 1950 in Kõlleste , † March 28, 2005 in Tartu ) was an Estonian writer and critic .


Lõhmus went to school in Karaski from 1957 to 1965 and graduated from Tallinn Polytechnic in 1969 in telecommunications engineering. A year later he passed the high school diploma in Tallinn and then studied from 1970 to 1976 at the University of Tartu Estonian Philology. He then worked in various culture departments for the press and radio.

Aivo Lõhmus had been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 1981 and from 1985 to 1997 managing director of the Association's Tartu department. He died of a heart attack in 2005.


Lõhmus made his debut at the age of fourteen in 1964 with poetry in the magazine Noorus and published his first book in 1974. The criticism particularly pointed to the different rhyme structures and emphasized the wreath of sonnets presented here , with which “Lõhmus will certainly go down in literary history.” But there was also no lack of critical voices, who emphasized that this demanding form was a little too high.

In the other volumes of poetry, the importance of nature emerges, as one critic emphasized. As far as the form of the poems was concerned, the critics found similarities with contemporary poets such as Juhan Viiding , Hando Runnel and Doris Kareva . In view of his last volume of poetry, his poet colleague Priidu Beier stated that Lõhmus was certainly also influenced by Jaan Kaplinski , from whom, however, later literary discussions - thinking here of the so-called Kivisildnik scandal - have removed.

Together with Madis Kõiv , Lõhmus wrote a play in the South Estonian dialect that deals with the eve of World War II in South Estonia. It was finished by 1983, but it wasn't premiered until 10 years later after it appeared in print in 1987.

The novel Down into the Valley and Across the River received a lot of attention . Novel from 1984 (published 1988), the title of which refers to Tartu, which is characterized by Toompea and the Emajõgi River . However, the novel by no means met with undivided praise, but was rather heavily criticized. The focus here is a history teacher who “basically [...] seeks the meaning of the present in the past”, which as a whole does not seem convincing. Another critic saw potential for future generations in the novel: “Perhaps in half a century from such novels you will understand what life was like in Estonia, in Tartu, in an Estonian family, in Estonian society in the 1970s and 1980s , ... ”, but at the same time includes it as“ mediocre literature ”. The misfortune of the novel was that it was already "historical" when it was published, as an inordinate amount of time had passed between its writing and publication. But these were exactly the years of the Singing Revolution , which is why the novel actually seemed outdated when it came out.

The author earned particular merit with his revelations about the book destruction in the course of Sovietization, when the "ax in the library" raged and millions of books were chopped up and burned. He published his research and findings in this regard under the title "Every book is a miracle" for the first time in 1988 in the Tartu newspaper "Edasi", later in his essay volume Power and Shadow .

Aivo Lõhmus has also translated from Finnish, most recently working on a new translation of Aleksis Kivi's novel The Seven Brothers . He has also written poetry in Finnish himself and published it in a volume in 1991 ( Kysymyksiä presidentille ).


  • Aastarangid. Luulet 1969 1973 ('Annual Kummet . Seal 1969-1973'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1976. 85 pp.
  • Puumaamees. Luuletusi 1973-1976 ('Holzlandmann'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1978. 83 pp.
  • Nüüd ja enne, siin ja mujal ('Now and earlier, here and elsewhere'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1982. 45 pp.
  • (together with Madis Kõiv ) Põud ja vihm Põlva kihelkonnan nelätõistkümnendämä aasta suvõl ('Drought and rain in the Põlva parish in the summer of 1914'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1987. 144 pp.
  • Alla orgu ja üle jõe. Romaan aastast 1984 ('Down into the valley and across the river. A novel from 1984'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1988. 174 pp.
  • Kysymyksiä presidentille ('Questions to the President' [in Finnish]). Jyväskylä: FinnEpos 1991. 95 pp.
  • Hüüdja ​​häaele murre ('The caller's voice break'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2000. 96 pp.
  • Võim ja vari ('power and shadow'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2002. 320 pp.

Secondary literature

  • Arno Oja: Visiitkaart luulerangidega, in: Looming 10/1976, pp. 1751-1753.
  • Astrid Reinla : Kaks uut sonetipärga eesti luules, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 3/1977, pp. 173–174.
  • Sirje Kiin : Virvenduste kaudu, in: Looming 8/1978, pp. 1399–1401.
  • Toomas Liiv : Aivo Lõhmuse kolmas luulekogu, in: Looming 12/1982, pp. 1705–1706.
  • Mati Hint: Ja kõik süüd om veren, in: Looming 10/1987, 1415-1416.
  • Kauksi Ülle : Üte jutiga kellega ja mille, in: Looming 10/1987, 1416-1417.
  • Mati Hint: Pretensioonitu kirjanduse malbed võlud, in: Looming 12/1988, 1704-1707.
  • from: Down into the valley and stayed there, in: Estonia 1/1989, 37-39.
  • Ülo Tonts: Hardo Tomera ja teised, in: Keel ja Kirjandus, 1/1989, pp. 52–53.
  • Kalev Kesküla : Vakelu väikses Eesti linnas, in: Vikerkaar 1/1989, pp. 80-81.
  • Ivar Grünthal : Tartu romaan, in: Tulimuld 2/1990, pp. 109–111.
  • Aivar Kull: Aivo Lõhmuse heitlus ajavaimuga, in: Looming 6/2003, 946-948.
  • Priidu Beier: Truudus Tartule, in: Looming 7/2001, 1102-1106.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 314.
  2. Rein Veidemann: Mälestades Aivo Lõhmust, in: Postimees March 29, 2005.
  3. Arno Oja: Visiitkaart luulerangidega in: Looming 10/1976, p 1,753th
  4. Astrid Reinla: Kaks uut sonetipärga eesti luules, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 3/1977, p. 173.
  5. Sirje Kiin: Virvenduste kaudu, in: Looming 8/1978, pp. 1399–1401.
  6. Jump up Toomas Liiv: Aivo Lõhmuse kolmas luulekogu, in: Looming 12/1982, p. 1705.
  7. Priidu Beier: Truudus Tartule in: Looming 7/2001, 1103rd
  8. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, pp. 769–771.
  9. Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, p. 728.
  10. Ülo Tonts: Hardo Tomera ja teised, in: Keel ja Kirjandus, 1/1989, p. 52.
  11. See from: Down into the valley and stayed there, in: Estonia 1/1989, p. 39.
  12. Mati Hint: Pretensioonitu kirjanduse malbed võlud, in: Looming 12/1988, 1704, 1706.
  13. George Kurman, in: World Literature Today 4/1989, p. 716; also Malle Aleksius: Aja vastuseis, in: Sirp ja Vasar 2/1989, January 13th.
  14. Cornelius Hasselblatt: History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, p. 518.
  15. Võim yes vari . Tartu: Ilmamaa 2002, pp. 12-22.
  16. Looming 4/2005, p. 438.
  17. See Sirje Kiin: Mida küsib Eesti luuletaja Soome presidendilt ?, in: Looming 6/1991, pp. 842-843.