Otto Stinglwagner

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Otto Stinglwagner (born June 27, 1925 in Munich ; † July 7, 2013 ) was a German local politician of the SPD .

From 1955, the doctor of law worked as an administrative clerk in the Ingolstadt district office. From 1958 to 1966 he was - as an independent - district administrator of the district of Ingolstadt . Nominated by the SPD, he was Lord Mayor of Ingolstadt from 1966 to June 30, 1972 . He did not run for the election on June 11, 1972.

From July 1, 1972, he was managing director of the housing association Neue Heimat in Munich.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
  2. ^ Donaukurier on July 8, 2013 on the death of Stinglwagner , accessed on July 10, 2019