Otto Walper

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Otto Walper, portrayed by Wilhelm Dilich , 1620

Otto Walper (also Latin: Otho Gaul (t) perius , born January 1, 1543 in Rotenburg an der Fulda ; † December 28, 1624 in Lübeck ) was a German philologist and theologian .


Otto Walper studied at the University of Marburg from 1567 up to his master's degree and received his doctorate in theology from the University of Basel . In 1581 he accepted the professorship for Greek in Marburg, and in 1584 he was also appointed professor for Hebrew . Prince Wilhelm von Hessen-Kassel was his patron. With the change of denomination to Calvinism by his son Moritz , Walper did not agree. As a professor at the State University of Marburg, Walper should also have accepted this denomination. He therefore changed jobs and in 1593 became rector of the Katharineum in Lübeck . He held this office until 1613.

As a professor in Marburg, Walper wrote two grammars for language teaching in Greek and Hebrew. The Greek grammar saw several editions up to the 18th century and was widely used as school grammar. His Hebrew grammar was one of the first textbooks of the language written by a Christian.

Probably shortly after 1600 he began the parchment - codices of the former monastery library of St. Catherine to sell, and managed from the proceeds of works for the college school, Bible editions and classics at. These belong to the founding inventory of the Lübeck City Library, founded in 1616 under his successor Johann Kirchmann .

Walper was married to Zeitlose Orth and had two children with her, a daughter and a son Aegidius Konrad, who became superintendent in Jever .


  • De Dialectis Graecae linguae praecipuis, Attica, Ionica, Dorica, Aeolica, et coronidis vice nonnulla de proprietate poetica , Spieß, Frankfurt am Main 1589 (on Greek dialects)
  • Grammatica linguae sanctae, per quaestiones & responsiones duobus libris comprehensa: quorum prior etymologiae: posterior syntaxeos doctrinam cont , Selfisch, Witteberg 1590 (grammar of Hebrew)
  • Grammatica Graeca: Ex optimis quibusque autoribus, in usum Academiae Marpurgensis, ceterarumque Scholarum Hussiacarum, per quaestiones & Responsiones concinnata , Egenolff, Marburg 1590 (Greek grammar)
  • Dissertatio de incarnatione filii Dei , Johann Balhorn , Lübeck 1595
  • Synkrisis sive comparatio logica, utriusque familiae logicae, Romeae scilicet et Aristotelicae , Reusner, Rostock 1599 (comparison of Roman and Aristotelian logic )
  • Sylloge Vocum Exoticarum, HE Hebræarum, Syro-chaldaicarum, Persicarum, Latinarum, & Latinis respondentium, Quae habetur in contextu Græco Testamenti Novi: Cum Interpretatione Etymologica, & rerum utilium adhaerentium commonefactione, Auctore Othone Gualtperio , Selfisch / Henckel, Wittenberg 1608 (via Hebrew , Chaldean, Persian and Latin words in New Testament Greek)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Listed in Johann Kirchmann's access book of the city library up to 1641 , digitized version , Lübeck city library , from p. 105: Catalogus librorum quos D. Ottho Gualperius Rector scholae pecunia ex divenditis Codicis Bibliothecae Catharinianae membranaceis confecta in usum Collegarum olim comparavit
predecessor Office successor
Michael Rackelmann Rector of the Katharineum in Lübeck
1593 - 1613
Johann Kirchmann