Otto Weicken

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Otto Weicken (* 1911 ; † 1984 ) was a German architect who worked in Unna . Among other things, he planned public buildings, including churches and hospitals in the style of post-war modernism . In the 1950s and 1960s, he was considered to be the "architect of generally progressive solutions".

Several children emerged from her marriage to Erika Weicken, née Schmidt.

Works (selection)

St. Martin in Blomberg


  • Ingo Grabowsky, Peter Kroos, Richard Schmalöer a. a. (Ed.): Churches of the post-war period. Boom years of sacred architecture in Dortmund. Ardey, Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-87023-338-9 .
  • Sonja Hnilica, Markus Jager, Wolfgang Sonne (eds.): At second glance. Post-war architecture in North Rhine-Westphalia. Transcript, Bielefeld 2010, ISBN 978-3-8376-1482-4 , pp. 187-194.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Weicken Architects, Unna
  2. a b St. Michael retirement home chapel, Werl
  3. Heart of Jesus in Uentrop
  4. Review with mention of Weickens planning of the Holy Family Church in Dortmund on
  5. Reading sample