Pal III. Dukagjini

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Approximate location of the domain of Pal III. Dukagjini

Pal III. Dukagjini Italian Paolo Ducagini (* 1411 ; † 1458 ) was a member of the Dukagjini clan and lord of Zadrima , Fan , Pult , Flet and Sati .

In a phase of weakness of the Ottomans he tried to expand his influence with various alliances and fiefdoms, sometimes with one side, sometimes with the other. For a while he fought with Skanderbeg , and again and again he was hostile to him.


Pal III. Dukagjini was the son of Gjergj II. (* Approx. 1380; † before 1409), the younger and the cousin of Lekë III. and Nikollë II.

Pal was in Venice between November 1451 and February 1452 when the Venetian Senate accepted his request to be allowed to serve Venice no longer in Ulcinj but in Lezha , as it was closer to its lands. The Senate ordered the Lord of Ulcinj to pay for Pal Dukagjin's previous services and ordered the Lord of Lezha to accept the future services of Pal.

1452 was Scanderbeg with Pal III. and Nikollë II in feud. The curia , which was sure of the allegiance of the Dukagjini, ordered Pal Engjëlli , Bishop of Durrës, to initiate a reconciliation between the parties on July 20, 1452, but this did not come about until 1463. From October 21, 1454, Alfonso V of Aragon , King of Naples , informed Skanderbeg that Pal III. he had sent his envoy and declared his loyalty and vassalage to the Kingdom of Naples , which earned him 300 ducats a year in commission . In doing so, Pal violated the ten-year pact that tied him to Venice . The curia took Pal III. on June 1, 1457 as "Catholic princes" in their special protection. In 1457 Pal III ran. together with Nikollë II. Dukagjini (his cousin), Moisi Arianit Golemi and Hamza Kastrioti (nephew of Skanderbeg) over to the Ottomans.

In November 1458 Venice designated him and his cousin Lekë III. as "apostates" and Pope Pius II urged the Archbishop of Bar to Lekë and his cousin Pal III. To excommunicateferandæ sententiæ ” if they do not break off relations with the Ottomans within 15 days.


  • Споменик (A monument) . tape 95-97 . Royal Serbian Printing House, Belgrade 1942 (Serbian).
  • Scander Anamali; Kristaq Prifti; Instituti i Historisë (Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë): Historia e Popullit Shqiptar (The History of the Albanian People) . tape 1 . Botimet Toena, Tirana 2002 (Albanian).
  • Ivan Božić: Nemirno pomorje XV veka . Srpska književna zadruga, Belgrade 1979, OCLC 5845972 (Slovenian).
  • Johann Samuelersch , Johann Gottfried Gruber : General encyclopedia of the sciences and arts . First Section AG. Hermann Brockhaus, Leipzig 1868 ( online version in the Google book search).
  • Hasan Kaleshi: Dukagjini . In: Biographical Lexicon on the History of Southeast Europe . tape 1 . Munich 1974, p. 444-446 ( ).
  • Oliver Jens Schmitt : The Venetian Albania (1392-1479) . Oldenbourg, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-486-56569-9 .
  • Stavro Skendi: Balkan cultural studies . East European Monographs, Boulder 1980, ISBN 978-0-914710-66-0 .
  • Paolo Petta: Despoti d'Epiro e principi di Macedonia. Esuli albanesi nell'Italia del Rinascimento . Argo, Lecce 2000, ISBN 88-8234-028-7 (Italian).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë, p. 310
  2. Connection Dukagjini - Arianiti Comneno
  3. Oliver Jens Schmitt, p. 300, 310 f.
  4. General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts, p. 96
  5. Ivan Božić, p. 369
  6. a b c General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts, p. 125
  7. Споменик (A Monument), S. XVI
  8. a b In Memoriam: Santa Maria a Dagno in Alabnia., p. 10 , accessed April 3, 2020 (Italian).
  9. Stavro Skendi, p. 175
  10. General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts, p. 135
  11. Paolo Petta, p. 204
  12. Hasan Kaleshi