Parliamentary election in Serbia 2007

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The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade

Parliamentary elections were held in Serbia on January 21, 2007 . In order not to provide arguments to the Serbian radical parties, the question of the status of Kosovo was postponed from the international side.

Ethnic minority parties do not have to exceed the 5% threshold to win a seat in parliament. However, they must reach at least 0.4%. For the first time, Albanian parties from Preševo ​​took part in the parliamentary elections. There are 250 seats in parliament.

6,652,105 voters were eligible to vote. Of these, 31,370 voters are registered abroad and 7,082 in Serbian prisons. There were 8,441 polling stations, 58 of them abroad. Postal voting was not possible. The final election results must be announced by midnight on January 25th. The distribution of seats in parliament is determined using the D'Hondt procedure . The parties and the coalition have 10 days to announce which candidates will receive the seats in parliament after the election. A government must then be formed within three months.

On May 11, more than three and a half months later, the Democratic Party (DS), the Demokratska Stranka Srbije - Democratic Party of Serbia and New Serbia (DDS) and G17 Plus , three parties belonging to the Democratic Bloc, agreed to form a coalition agreed. Vojislav Koštunica (DDS) remains head of government.


20 party lists were handed over to the electoral commission for registration by January 5, 2007:

  1. Demokratska Stranka (Democratic Party) - Boris Tadić (Демократска странка - Борис Тадић)
  2. G17 Plus - Mlađan Dinkic (Г17 плус - Млађан Динкић)
  3. Liberalno-demokratska Partija - Alliance of citizens of Serbia - The Socialist Union - the social democrats of the League of Vojvodina - Čedomir Jovanović (Либерално демократска партија - Грађански савез Србије - Социјалдемократска унија - Лига социјалдемократа Војводине - Чедомир Јовановић)
  4. Srpska Radikalna Stranka (Serbian Radical Party) - Dr. Vojislav Šešelj (Српска радикална странка - др Војислав Шешељ)
  5. Demokratska Stranka Srbije –Nova Srbija (Democratic Party of Serbia-New Serbia) - Vojislav Koštunica (Демократска странка Србије - Нова Србија - др Војицслав оашт)
  6. Pokret Snaga Srbije (Movement of Serbian Forces) - Bogoljub Karić (Покрет снага Србије - Богољуб Карић)
  7. Srpski Pokret Obnove (Serbian Renewal Movement) - Vuk Drašković (Српски покрет обнове - Вук Драшковић)
  8. Savez Vojvođanskih Mađara (Alliance of Vojvodin Hungarians ) - Jožef Kasa (Савез војвођанских Мађара - Јожеф Каса)
  9. Partija ujedinjenih Penzionera of Serbia (PUPS) (Party of United Pensioners of Serbia) - Jovan Krkobabić and Sozialdemokratska Partija (SDP) (Social Democratic Party) - Nebojsa Covic (Партија уједињених пензионера Србије (ПУПС) - Др Јован Кркобабић и Социјалдемократска партија (СДП) - Др Небојша Човић)
  10. Koalicija Lista za Sandžak (Coalition List for Sandžak ) - Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin (Коалиција Листа за Санџак др Сулејман Угљанин)
  11. Socijalistička Partija Srbije (Socialist Party of Serbia) (Социјалистичка партија Србије)
  12. Branko Pavlović "Zato što mora bolje" - (Because it has to get better) (Бранко Павловић - "Зато што мора боље")
  13. Koalicija "Vojvođanske Partije" (Coalition of Vojvodin Parties) - Igor Kurjački (Коалиција "Војвођанске партије" - Игор Курјачки)
  14. Unija Roma Srbije (Union of Roma of Serbia) - Rajko Đurić (Унија Рома Србије - др Рајко Ђурић)
  15. Reformistička Partija (Reform Party) - Dr. Aleksandar Višnjić (Реформистичка странка - др Александар Вишњић)
  16. Demokratska zajednica Srbije (Democratic Community of Serbia) - Dr. Obren Joksimović (Демократска заједница Србије - др Обрен Јоксимовић)
  17. Koalicija Albanaca Preševske Doline (Coalition of Albanians from Preševo ) (Коалиција Албанаца Прешевске долине)
  18. Socijaldemokratija (Social Democrats) - Nenad Vukasović (Социјалдемократија - Ненад Вукасовић)
  19. Koalicija Mađarska Sloga (Coalition of the Hungarian Community) - Andraš Agošton - Pal Šandor (Коалиција Мађарска слога - Андраш Агоштон - др Пал Шандор)
  20. Romska Partija (Roma Party) - Šajn Srđan (Ромска партија - Шајн Срђан)

Elections - January 21, 2007

The Election Commission of the Republic of Serbia (Републичка изборна комисија Републике Србије) announced the official election results on January 25. The turnout was 60.56%.

Turnout by region:

  • Central Serbia : 60%
  • Belgrade: 58.9%
  • Vojvodina: 61.69%
  • Kosovo: 53.94%

The turnout of Serbian citizens registered abroad was 31.5%.

Election results

Official election result (January 25)
Political party be right proportion of Seats
Srpska Radikalna Stranka (Serbian Radical Party) 1,152,105 28.59% 81 seats
Demokratska Stranka (Democratic Party) 915.014 22.71% 64 seats
Demokratska Stranka Srbije - Nova Srbija (Democratic Party of Serbia-New Serbia) 666.889 16.55% 47 seats
G17 Plus 274,874 6.82% 19 seats
Socijalistička Partija Srbije (Socialist Party of Serbia) 227,304 5.64% 16 seats
Liberal Democratic Party - Alliance of Citizens of Serbia -
Social Democratic Union - League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina
214.028 5.31% 15 seats
Savez Vojvođanskih Mađara (Alliance of Vojvodin Hungarians) 52,458 1.3% 3 seats
Koalicija Lista za Sandžak (Coalition List for Sandžak) 33,819 0.84% 2 seats
Unija Roma Srbije (Union of Roma of Serbia) 16,995 0.42% 1 seat
Koalicija Albanaca Preševske Doline (Coalition of Albanians from Preševo ) 16,972 0.42% 1 seat
Romska Partija 14,568 0.36% 1 seat
Remaining parties without a parliamentary seat
Srpski Pokret Obnove 134.023 3.33% no seat
Koalicija Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije - Socijaldemokratska partija 125,232 3.11% no seat
Pokret Snaga Srbije 70,621 1.75% no seat
Lista Branko Pavlović 15,709 0.39% no seat
Koalicija Mađarska sloga 12,907 0.32% no seat
Koalicija Vojvođanske partije 7,349 0.18% no seat
Demokratska zajednica Srbije 5,438 0.13% no seat
Socijaldemokratija 4,903 0.12% no seat
Reformistička stranka 1,879 0.05% no seat

250 seats were available.

Government formation

The winner of this election is the Radical Party of Vojislav Šešelj . She won the most seats in parliament. Even so, it most likely cannot form the government because it lacks an absolute majority. Of the 250 seats in parliament, the Democratic Forces of Serbia received at least 145 and thus an absolute majority.

The two larger democratic parties of Boris Tadić (Demokratska Stranka) and Vojislav Koštunica (Demokratska Stranka Srbije – Nova Srbija) both announced their right to form a government on election night.

The government formed on May 11, 2007 has 130 of the 250 seats in the Serbian parliament .