Paul Mezger

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Paul Mezger OSB , often also butcher , (also Paulus ; born November 23, 1637 in Eichstätt as Johann Marquard Mezger ; † April 12, 1702 in Salzburg ) was a Benedictine priest , theologian , historian and university professor .


Mezger was the son of the Prince Archbishop's court chancellor under Paris Count von Lodron Johann Christoph Mezger (1594–1658). On November 23, 1653, like his brothers Franz and Joseph Mezger, he entered the Benedictine Abbey of St. Peter in Salzburg. He was ordained a priest there and held his first Holy Mass on December 27, 1660 . During this time he became a teacher at the Academic Gymnasium before he became a novice master in St. Peter in 1666 and a preacher on the Nonnberg in Salzburg .

Mezger received a professorship at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Salzburg in 1668 and was dean there in 1669/1670 . In 1670 he became a teacher of philosophy at Göttweig Abbey . In 1673 he returned to Salzburg and was promoted to Dr. theol. doctorate and took over a professorship in scholastic theology. From 1688 to 1691 he held the position for controversial theology and until 1700 also that of the Holy Scriptures. In the academic years 1677/1678, 1680/1681, 1684/1685, 1688/1689 and 1694/1695 he was dean of the theological faculty. From 1683 to 1701 he was the University's Pro-Chancellor .

Mezger was one of the representatives of the Salzburg Thomism . He was friends with Jean Mabillon . At Mezger's instigation, from 1694 to 1794 all university members in Salzburg were required to take an oath of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Works (selection)

  • Somnia philosophorum de possibilibus et impossibilibus , Mayr, Salzburg 1670.
  • Specula Marianae Devotionis, Sive Sacrae Allocutiones De Mediis Marianae Pietatis , Mayr, Salzburg 1677.
  • Gratia Dei: pro publica disputatione theologica proposita , Mayr, Salzburg 1681.
  • with his brothers Franz and Joseph : Historia Salisburgensis , Mayr, Salzburg 1692.
  • Theologia scholastica secundum viam et doctrinam D. Thomae , 4 volumes, Bencard, Augsburg 1695.


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