Pavel Dmitrievich Voinarovsky

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Pavel Dmitrievich Voinarovsky

Pavel Dmitrievich Woinarowski ( Russian Павел Дмитриевич Войнаровский ; born February 3 . Jul / 15. February  1866 greg. In Sevastopol ; † June 13 jul. / 26. June  1913 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian electrical engineer and university professor .


Woinarowski studied at the University of Marseille until 1886 and then until 1890 in St. Petersburg at the Technology School of the Post Telegraph Office, which in 1891 became the St. Petersburg Electrical Engineering Institute (ETI). He then worked as a telegraph - an engineer in Moscow in urban telegraph office and quickly became a major specialist for telecommunication known. For further training he went to Liège at the Electrical Engineering Institute- Montefiore , which he left in 1895 as an electrical engineer with distinction.

From 1891 he taught at the ETI and from 1894 also at the University of St. Petersburg . In 1895 he began planning the telephone connection from St. Petersburg to Moscow , which was then established in 1898. In 1898 he became professor and head of the chair for electrical engineering at the ETI. His main focus was telephony , electric light , electric measurements and electric drives . Of great importance was his work on the problems of transmission of electric energy through the air and through cable lines . In 1906 he became director of the ETI. In 1912 he was the first to present a theory of electrical cables. He also carried out extensive studies on the structure of tram networks.

Participants in the 1st Mendeleev Congress, St. Petersburg 1907: NA Puschin , NS Kurnakow , S. Arrhenius , IA Kablukow , AA Krakau , PD Woinarowski, AA Jakowlew (1st row from left)

In 1906 when the EIT Popov Prize was founded, Woinarowski was chairman of the award commission, which also included AA Krakow , PS Ossadtschi , NG Jegorow and AA Petrowski . In 1907 Woinarowski took part in the 1st Mendeleev Congress for General and Applied Chemistry of the ETI in St. Petersburg. He was a member of the Russian Technology Society, the Electrical Engineering Society, the permanent comet of the All-Russian Electrical Engineering Congresses (1899-1912) and the Society of Electrical Engineers (graduates of the ETI), whose office he headed from 1909-1912. He took part in the international electrical engineering congresses in Paris (1900), Marseille (1908) and Brussels (1910). He participated in the Brockhaus-Efron encyclopedia.

Voinarowski's successor as ETI director was Nikolai Bykov . The Woinarowski Foundation for Scholarships and Awards was established in 1913 and existed until 1919. In 1996, a Woinarowski memorial plaque was attached to the laboratory for theoretical foundations of electrical engineering at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University .


Web links

Commons : Pawel Dmitrijewitsch Woinarowski  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ» им. В.И. Ульянова (Ленина) СПбГЭТУ "ЛЭТИ": Ректоры университета (accessed September 11, 2017).
  2. PD Woinarowski: Теоретическое и практическое руководство по телефонии . St. Petersburg 1899.
  3. PD Woinarowski: Электрическая передача силы на расстояние переменными однофазным и многофазным токами . St. Petersburg 1894.
  4. PD Woinarowski: Теория электрического кабеля . St. Petersburg 1912.
  5. В.П.СЕВЕРИНОВА (член НТОРЭС им А.С.Попова.), В.А.УРВАЛОВ (почётный член НТОРЭС им А.С.Попова.): Первые лауреаты премии имени профессора А.С.Попова (accessed on 6 September 2017).