Alexei Alexejewitsch Petrowski

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Alexei Alexeyevich Petrovsky ( Russian Алексей Алексеевич Петровский ; born February 2 . Jul / 14. February  1873 greg. In Lukoyanov ; † 24. August 1942 in Sverdlovsk ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Petrovsky was the son of a writer and visited the city four-class school in Lukoyanov with completion in 1887. Then he studied in St. Petersburg at the technology -School of post - telegraph office that in 1891 the St. Petersburg Electrical -Institut (ETI) was. After graduating in 1892, he continued to study at the physical - mathematical faculty of the University of St. Petersburg . After graduating in 1897, he stayed at the university as a laboratory assistant. In addition, he held electrical engineering lectures at the Technology Institute (1898–1901) and at the courses of Pjotr ​​Lesgafts (1900–1901).

In 1898 Petrovsky joined the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. There he met the radio technology pioneer Alexander Popow and soon became his assistant. In the summer of 1899 he carried out radio experiments between two Kronstadt forts on behalf of Popov, who had just been seconded to Switzerland , together with the assistants PN Rybkins and DS Troizkis . They found that radio signals received could be made audible with the help of a coherer . This resulted in Popow's receiver for Morse code .

In 1901 Petrowski became a lecturer at the Kronstadt Mining Officer School . In his lectures he covered electricity and magnetism as well as electric motors and electric generators . In 1906 at the foundation of the Alexander Popov Prize of the ETI, Petrowski was a member of the award committee alongside Pawel Woinarowski (chairman), Alexander Krakow , Pyotr Ossadtschi , Michail Schatelen , Nikolai Jegorow and others. From 1908 Petrowski also gave a lecture on wireless telegraphy at the ETI .

In March 1910, Petrowski, meanwhile a Councilor of State ( fifth class ), was appointed state lecturer to the hydrography department of St. Petersburg's Nikolai Naval Academy . At the beginning of 1911 he carried out his first theoretical investigations into electronic warfare . In particular, he evaluated the experience in the Russo-Japanese War in radio communications and the radio interference detected for the first time in the radio connection between the radio station on the armored ship Pobeda (Sieg) and the coast station in Port Arthur with publication of the results. In 1912 he was the first in Russia to be an associate professor of radio technology at the Nikolai Naval Academy. From 1912 to 1913, in addition to his teaching activities, he headed the laboratory for radio telegraphy of the Naval Office in St. Petersburg, in which radio telegraphy devices were manufactured and maintained.

During the First World War , Petrowski continued his teaching activities at the mine officers' school, the Nikolai Naval Academy and the ETI. When the Nikolai Naval Academy was initially closed after the October Revolution , Petrovsky taught at the United University of the Naval Forces (1918–1922) and at the Institute of Economics (until 1930). He also published the magazine for wireless telegraphy and telephony of the Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory.

In November 1922, on the initiative of Petrovsky and Imant Freimans , the first amateur radio association in the USSR was formed in Petrograd . From 1923 Petrowski taught electrical engineering at the military academy of the telecommunications force . In the summer of 1924, Petrowski was involved in attempts on the Baltic Sea to set up radio communications between coastal stations and submerged submarines , which were then discontinued due to lack of funds.

In 1924 Petrowski became head of department at the Institute for Applied Geophysics . He also taught at the Leningrad Mining Institute (1928–1930) and then at the Leningrad Institute of Geology and Prospection . In 1932 he became vice director of the Ural branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . In 1934 he returned to teaching at the Mining Institute and headed the new chair for geophysical methods in prospecting. In 1935 he was awarded a doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences and was appointed professor. After he had held the post of vice director of the Ural branch of the AN-SSSR until 1939, he became director of the Ural branch of the AN-SSSR in 1941. In the same year he was honored as an Honored Scientist of the RSFSR . After the beginning of the German-Soviet war and the Leningrad blockade , he was evacuated to Sverdlovsk .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ» им. В.И. Ульянова (Ленина) СПбГЭТУ "ЛЭТИ": Петровский Алексей Алексеевич (accessed September 16, 2017).
  2. a b c d Первый профессор радиотехники. К 135-летию А. А. Петровского . In: Центральный музей связи имени А. С. Попова . 2008.
  3. Melua AI : Ракетная техника, космонавтика и артиллерия: биографии ученых и специалистов. Энциклопедия . 2nd Edition. Гуманистика, Moscow 2005, ISBN 5-86050-243-5 , p. 623 .
  4. Граф Г .: Императорский Балтийский флот между двумя войнами. 1906-1914 . Вече, Moscow 2013, ISBN 978-5-4444-0343-3 , p. 160 .
  5. В.П.СЕВЕРИНОВА (член НТОРЭС им А.С.Попова.), В.А.УРВАЛОВ (почётный член НТОРЭС им А.С.Попова.): Первые лауреаты премии имени профессора А.С.Попова (accessed on 6 September 2017).
  6. Золотинкина Л. И., Мироненко И. Г .: Роль электротехнического института Императора Александра III в развитии электротехники в России на рубеже XIX и XX веков . In: Известия СПбГЭТУ ЛЭТИ . No. 11 , 2004, p. 65 .
  7. Золотинкина Л. И .: Служба радиосвязи российского флота . In: Новый Оборонный Заказ. Стратегии . tape 31 , no. 4 , 2014 ( online [accessed September 16, 2017]).