Peregrinatio ad Petri Sedem

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The Peregrinatio ad Petri Sedem ( Latin for pilgrimage to the chair of Peter) (PAPS) is an institution of the Roman Curia to support Christian pilgrims .


Pope Pius XI founded this 1933-1934 at the end of the Extraordinary Holy Year of Redemption , when the Central Committee for all pilgrims to Rome was set up as a permanent office. Pope Paul VI gave it a canonical form in 1972.

On January 16, 1997, John Paul II issued a new statute highlighting its pastoral characteristics and specifying its purpose and nature:

  • Help the particular Churches to promote spiritual and material support for the pilgrims at the Kathedra Petri , especially for the ecclesiastical events of the Holy See .
  • Implementation of the provisions of the Central Committee during the Holy Years to ensure the appropriate reception in Rome of pilgrims from dioceses around the world in response to the appeals of the national and diocesan committees for the promotion of pilgrimages to Rome.
  • Support and coordination of the stream of pilgrims directed towards the various world shrines in order to involve them in the religious events of the Holy Father.
  • Encouraging those most in need to make the above pilgrimages.

Organization and way of working

The Board of Directors approves annual programs and balance sheets and expresses its opinion on important issues. The Pastoral Council, whose members are multinational and multilingual pastoral workers, responsible for questions relating to the spiritual work of pilgrims in order to fulfill the religious goals of the peregrinatio. The Pope appoints the president of the peregrinatio, usually an archbishop , in various cases even a cardinal . It is located at the Piazza Pio XII ° 4 in the Vatican City . The peregrinatio appoints its delegate for different parts of the world in consultation with the ecclesiastical authorities of the local churches.

PAPS also organizes guided tours for groups of pilgrims in the Vatican and in Christian Rome, especially in the Vatican Museums , Vatican Gardens , catacombs in Rome and papal basilicas , liturgical celebrations and audiences with the Holy Father and congresses (on request), holy masses, Meetings of prayer and services during beatifications and canonizations . It works primarily with religious institutions and houses that receive pilgrims, as well as accommodation providers, restaurants and various other logisticians, and offers airline tickets services .


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