Peter II Erdődy

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Peter II. Erdődy, Count von Eberau (Oberaw), Baron of Kaisersperg (Hungarian de Monyorókerék et Monoszló ), (* 1504 ; † 1567 ) was a Croatian - Hungarian nobleman , the son of Peter I. "Venetianus" Erdődy (around 1484– 1526), ​​who in turn was the son of Miklós (Nikolaus) Bakócz Erdődy († around 1494) and the nephew of Tamás Bakócz (1442–1521).

Peter II persecuted his father for a long time, as this after the death of his first wife Sára Bánffy von Alsólendva (* around 1488, marriage 1506) with Barbara (Bóra; or Dóra = Dorothea?) Von Puchheim (* around 1488-1546) again had married. Serious and protracted conflicts arose, in which even the Pope and the Emperor tried to intervene in a conciliatory manner. Ultimately, Peter II won this conflict, and his father moved to Venice after the Doge had assured him that he would be accepted into the local nobility . Since then, the entire title of Count Erdődy de Monyorókerék et Monoszló also includes "Nobile of the City of Venice". According to the legend, father and son finally reconciled, and Peter II founded the Okics monastery in Croatia to atone for his childlike behavior.

In 1547 Peter II distinguished himself in the Schmalkaldic War . From 1557 to 1567 he was Ban of Croatia and fought with great success against the Turks. In the meantime he had joined the Protestant side; Primož Trubar wrote in 1562 to Hans Ungnad von Sonnegg (1493–1564): “ Herr Peter Freyherr von Ebraw and zu Khayersperg, the wan, is good Protestant… ”.

In 1565 Peter II was elevated to the rank of imperial count by Emperor Maximilian II and in 1566 even to the rank of imperial prince . However, since he died in 1567, the title of imperial prince was not nostrified and was thus forgotten. In 1580, Emperor Rudolf II confirmed the imperial count status to the sons of Peter II, Thomas II and Peter III by improving the coat of arms .


Peter II was married to

  • Margarethe (Margit) or Eva Táhy, daughter of Franz (Ferenc) Táhy Freiherr von Tahvár and Tarkő (Tarkeő) († 1573). Daughter:
  • Barbara (Borbála, Bóra) Freiin Alapy (Alapić, Alappi) von Nagykemlék, daughter of Johannes (János) Alapy Freiherr von Nagykemlék and Margarethe (Margit) Zrinski , Countess von Siget (Szigeth). Children:
    • Thomas (Tamás, Toma) II. (1558–1624), married to Anna Maria Ungnad von Weissenwolf, Freiin von Sonneck (1569–1611), daughter of Christoph Ungnad von Weissenwolf, Freiherr von Sonneck († 1587), 1576–1583 Ban of Croatia
    • Peter III (1560–1613), married to Susanna Countess von Stubenberg
    • Margarethe (Margit), married to Jakob Székely von Kevend and Órmosd , then to Wolf Weikhart von Herberstein
    • Helene (Ilona), married to Georg von Stubenberg († 1630)
    • Johannes (János), († after 1568)
    • Georg (György), († after 1568)


  • Karl Giay: Appendix II. The history of the Erdödy house. In: Helene Erdődy: Memories. Amalthea-Verlag, Vienna 1929.

Individual evidence

  1. This legend "The Father's Curse" is published in the paperback for the fatherland history , ed. by Joseph von Hormeyer / Alajos von Mednyansky, Vienna: Anton Strauss, vol. 2 (1821), pp. 220–225, reproduced ( Google Books ).
  2. ^ The grandfather of Peter II, Miklós Erdődy, was married to a Maria Ungnad; Erdődy and Ungnad wrote to each other as “brother-in-law”.
  3. See Ivan Kostrenčić, Documentary Contributions to the History of Protestant Literature of the Southern Slaves in the years 1559–1565 . Carl Gerold's Sohn, Vienna 1874, p. 94 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).