Peter Lodynski

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Peter Lodynski

Peter Lodynski , sometimes wrongly spelled Lodinsky, (* October 12, 1936 in Vienna , † September 26, 2021 there ) was an Austrian actor , cabaret artist , director , writer and magician .


Lodynski initially studied medicine before switching to theater studies and art history. At the same time he attended the film academy and graduated from the Krauss drama school with distinction.

In 1960 and 1961 he had his first appearances in Gerhard Bronner's cabaret in the Vienna Theater am Kärntnertor . Then in 1963 he founded his own cabaret, Der Würfel , in Vienna's Himmelpfortgasse with friends from Graz , and brought innovatively conceived, satirical programs with the addition of magical components and prepared for the beholder in a sophisticated way.

This made television aware of Lodynski and he became the author and director of over 250 television productions. Between 1969 and 1984 he worked almost exclusively for television. In 1970 he hosted the television show the 70s . In 1976 he directed the 13-part television series Peter Voss, the Thief of the Million . He worked with Chris Lohner on the magic show series Lodynski's Orpheum - Heavenly Stories and The Magi Are Among Us, as well as on several other projects . From 1996 to 2000 he appeared in the magic show Under the Green Lamp . His greatest success, which was also highly acclaimed internationally, was the TV satire Lodynski's Flea Market Company , written with Felix Dvorak , another milestone in the two-part Vienna based on sheet music with the Vienna Philharmonic .

In 1972 Lodynski staged the one-person play Scharfrichter Josef Lang with Felix Dvorak in the title role . In 1985 Lodynski returned to the stage and worked as a cabaret artist and as an actor in works by Franz Kafka , Johann Nestroy and Georges Feydeau . The all-round artist is also active as a writer and has written works such as Un-tierisch-heiter (1989), Vienna from behind (1990) and the comedy Mein Name ist Hase (1993).

As early as the mid-1970s, Peter Lodynski addressed environmental protection in his satirical productions, making him one of the pioneers in popularizing this important issue.

He was temporarily married to the actress Mirjam Dreifuss . His stepson is the cabaret artist and actor Christoph Fälbl . Peter Lodynski had a relationship with the Austrian writer Brigitte Schwaiger in the early 1970s. In her memoir, she accuses him of submitting scripts of her under his name. He is also said to have forced the author to have an abortion.

Most recently he was seen in the Austrian comedy series Tohuwabohu as well as in several productions of the Gloria Theater and in collaboration with the New Vienna lyricist Gerhard Blaboll .

Filmography (selection)


for his television production Lodynski's Flea Market Company


  • 2011: Doyen of the Gloria Theater Vienna

Web links

Commons : Peter Lodynski  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. actor Peter Lodynski is dead. In: . September 28, 2021, accessed September 28, 2021.
  2. Christoph Fälbl - Roasted dumplings with egg and salad ,, At home in Lower Austria, Kulinarium
  3. Brigitte Schwaiger: When God is dead. Memoirs. Czernin, Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-7076-0424-5 , p. 37 f.
  4. High awards for Samy Molcho and Peter Lodynski , April 16, 2008