Gerhard Blaboll

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Gerhard Blaboll

Gerhard Blaboll (* 1958 in Vienna ) is an Austrian writer, cabaret artist and radio host .


After completing an apprenticeship as a precision mechanic and studying law and business administration, Gerhard Blaboll initially made a steep international managerial career, during which he was most recently a director at Hitachi Data Systems , until he completely changed his life after a serious injury: in 2007 he made his own Long-standing love of literature for his profession, studied history and has since written high-quality and pointedly witty entertainment volumes and lyrics for well-known musicians and composers. One of these lyrics ("I won't give up until it's over") was voted the best lyrics of the year by a jury in 2019. Critics refer to his style as “New Viennese Poetry”.

In addition to his cabaret texts, Blaboll writes historical-philosophical stories from different regions of the world, as well as a. critical texts for the PEN club on current political situations.

Some of his works are performed by actors such as Elfriede Ott , Karlheinz Hackl , Günter Tolar , Reinhard Nowak , Peter Lodynski , Robert Mohor, Gerald Pichowetz and musicians and singers such as Bettina Bogdany, Rudi Biber , Christoph Lechner , Roland Sulzer, Damenspitz , Johann Cermak , Thomas Hojsa , Hans Ecker Trio , Herbert Bäuml , Franz Horacek or Rudi Koschelu. In addition, he performs from his texts solo or together with partners such as Theresia Haiger, Bettina Bogdany, Günther Lainer, the Wiener Tschuschenkapelle , the Mozart Boys Choir Vienna or Johann Cermak and the Wild Irish Lasses on stage and in cabaret.

His radio show With artists on you and you on Radio Wienerwald, Radio Ypsilon, KuK-Radio International, Ö1-Campus u. a., to which he regularly invites artists and cultural workers from Austria, enjoys great popularity due to their unconventionally open discussions. Among other things, there were actors like Karlheinz Hackl , Elfriede Ott , Günter Tolar , Cornelius Obonya , Hilde Dalik , Gerald Pichowetz , Otto Schenk , Franz Suhrada , Erich Schleyer , Cornelius Obonya, musicians like Slavko Ninić Wiener Tschuschenkapelle , Willi Resetarits , Toni Stricker , Ildikó Raimondi , Timna Brauer , Michael Heltau , Harri Stojka , Zipflo Weinrich , Hans Theessink , Agnes Palmisano , Walther Soyka , Roland Neuwirth , Opus , Boris Bukowski , cabaret artists such as Theresia Haiger , Topsy Küppers , Kurt Sobotka , Günther Lainer , Reinhard Nowak , Joesi Prokopetz , Angelika Niedetzky , writers like Ernst Hinterberger , Robert Schindel , Alfred Komarek , Ilija Trojanow , Robert Menasse , Sidonia Gall , Helmuth A. Niederle , Dorothea Nürnberg , painters like Kurt Freundlinger , Arik Brauer , Josef Bramer , Hermann Nitsch , Gunter Damisch , opera singers like Ildikó Raimondi, Heinz Zednik , Peter Edelmann , Olga Bezsmertna or Herbert Lippert , museum directors like the K Unsthistoric Sabine Haag , directors like Michael Schottenberg or Gabriel Barylli , festival directors like Michael Garschall or Dagmar Schellenberger and presenters like Sigi Bergmann or Alfons Haider are guests.

Blaboll is u. a. Member of the arbitration tribunal of the Austrian PEN Club, member of the Austrian Writers' Association and the IG Authors, as well as member of the board of trustees of AKM / Austro Mechana and Literar Mechana.

Public performances

Blaboll regularly reads from his books in public at home and abroad and appears with various cabaret programs and partners on various stages in Austria, including a. at the Wiener Buchwoche , at the event real: Vienna , at the Festival of the Golden Generation at the Schallaburg , at Lackenbach Castle , regularly in the Gloria Theater , in the Floridsdorfer Kulturkabinett , in the Metropol , in Akzent or at the Vienna Danube Island Festival with the Wiener Tschuschenkapelle , in Wiener Theaterkeller, at the New Year's gala in the Vienna Volkstheater , again and again in the Vienna House of Music , in the Festsaal Hernals on the occasion of the opening of the district festival weeks with the program "I am a Hernalser Bua - Hackl reads Blaboll", in the Theater am Alsergrund , in the CasaNova Vienna , in the Schutzhaus am Ameisbach or in the Volkstheater .


  • Children's poems . In: Bundesdenkmalamt (Ed.): Zeitschienen II, Der Südbahnhof in Vienna . 2010, ISSN  1993-1271 .
  • Songs . In: Erich Zib (Ed.): Viennese songs from yesterday and today . Kral-Verlag, Berndorf 2011, ISBN 978-3-99024-057-1 .
  • 19 hours to paradise . In: Helmuth A. Niederle, Christian Teissl (Ed.): In the middle of the sentence: Fragments. An anthology by the Austrian PEN Club . Platform, Perchtoldsdorf 2014, ISBN 978-3-9503683-1-4 .
  • Hernals songs and poems . In 17 edition . Verlagshaus Hernals, Vienna 2014, ISBN 978-3-902744-79-1 .
  • Literary Austria - Anniversary Edition 70 Years of the Austrian Writers' Association: Legacy and Mission . Austrian Writers' Association, ZVR 295943463.
  • 1968 - Roll over and over again ... . Edition Roesner, Krems (Ed.), 2018, ISBN 978-3-903059-74-0 .
  • Literary Austria - Special Issue 2018: Peace . Austrian Writers' Association.
  • Literary Austria - Special Issue 2019: Freedom . Austrian Writers' Association.


  • 2008 Audiobook: Von Kranken und Gsunden (with Karlheinz Hackl and others), Kral Verlag, Berndorf, ISBN 978-3-902447-32-6
  • 2010 audio book: Medizinal-Rat2 (with Ingomar Kmentt), Preiser-Records, Vienna, PR91175; Kral Verlag, Berndorf ISBN 978-3-7085-0189-5
  • 2010 Audiobook: Von Christkinderln und Christmas almonds (with Elfriede Ott and others), Label: Preiser Records, Vienna, PR91163; Kral Verlag, Berndorf ISBN 978-3-7085-0180-2
  • 2011 CD: Songs on: Advent in Vienna, Erich and Marion Zib, music publisher Radio Wienerlied
  • 2012 CD: Melodies from Vienna, Gerhard Track, PMI-Records-USA 031012
  • 2012 CD: I am a Hernalser Bua (New Viennese Songs with Christoph Lechner and Tomy Hojsa); Kral-Verlag, Berndorf, ISBN 978-3-99024-158-5
  • 2013 CD: Wiener Lieder und Wiener Weisen by Gerhard Track and Ernst Track, PMI-Records-USA 032213
  • 2013 CD: Echt Wien - Kraut and Ruabn 1 (with Felix Lee, Gerhard Track, Herbert Bäuml & Norbert Haselberger, Slavko Ninic & Wiener Tschuschenkapelle, Ronald Tettinek, Gerald Etzler, Gabi Pfarrhofer, Andrea Wiesinger, Stippich & Stippich and others); Label: Kulturverein Echt Wien EW01
  • 2014 CD: Wiener Tschuschenkapelle Live at the Donauinselfest 2013, Label: Tschuschenton, Record number: Tschuschenton05
  • 2015 CD: Schrammel.Klang.Festival. 2014; Label: Quintonrecords, Record Number: 2014-1
  • 2015 DVD: Wiener Tschuschenkapelle; Label: Tschuschenton, Record number: Tschuschenton06
  • 2015 CD: Schrammel.Klang.Festival. 2015; Label: Quintonrecords, Record Number: 2015-1
  • 2016 CD: Echt Wien (New Viennese Songs with Herbert Bäuml, Rudi Koschelu, Franz Horacek, Norbert Haselberger), Label: Kulturverein Echt Wien, Vienna, EW02; Distribution: Preiser Records, Vienna, PR91315
  • 2017 CD: I want to speak with whom afach (Blues from Austria with Zappa Bluespumpm, Judith Pechoc, Rudi Biber and Gerhard Blaboll); Label: Kulturverein Echt Wien EW03; Distribution: Wolf Records CD120982
  • 2017 CD: Die spinnen, die Wiener (Clemens Schaller as: Truebardix vom Wienerwald); Distribution: Preiser Records, Vienna, PR91350
  • 2018 CD: The Patriotic (Wiener Tschuschenkapelle); Label: Tschuschenton, record number. Tschuschenton07
  • 2018 CD: Schrammel.Klang.Festival. 2018; Label: Quintonrecords, Record Number: 2018-1
  • 2018 CD: Katzenwege (Viennese women's chansons with Bettina Bogdany); Preiser Records PR91401, Nonfoodproductions, Kulturverein Echt Wien, Vienna, EW04
  • 2018 CD: So that's how it works (Rudi Biber); Label: Benedetter Ltd. 192914130710
  • 2019 CD: Echt Wien - Kraut and Ruabn 2 (Gerhard Blaboll, Gerald Etzler, Felix Lee, Franz Horacek, Kuno Trientbacher, Gerhard Track, Werner Weibert); Label: Kulturverein Echt Wien EW05
  • 2019 CD: Wien Heute (12 + 1 new songs between Wienerlied and Austropop; with Franz Horacek, Andy Warmuth, Gerhard Blaboll); Label: Kulturverein Echt Wien EW08
  • 2019 CD: I won't give up ... (with Jess Robin & Band); Label: Robin Production Austria ATZ481900036
  • 2020 CD: Proud of Ottakring (with Kuno Trientbacher, Andrea Schlor, Saskia Fanta, Yuko Mitani, Walter Schirato); Label: Kulturverein Echt Wien EW13

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mobile Times - Personalia - B In: , accessed January 4, 2018.
  2. Interview with John C. Ryden, Hitachi Data Systems: Turnover Partner In: , accessed on January 4, 2018.
  3. ^ From the peculiarities of the Viennese In: , accessed on January 4, 2018.
  4. The winning song "I will not give in" In: , accessed on 21 April 2020th
  5. The man who reinvented himself In: , accessed on January 4, 2018.
  6. Neue Wiener Lyrik ( Memento from August 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  7. "Montenegrin Stories"
  8. Because it is written in: , accessed on January 4, 2018.
  9. Vienna Tschuschenkapelle "Balkan Cabaret" ( Memento of 8 June 2010 at the Internet Archive )
  10. ^ Wiener Tschuschenkapelle - Donauinselfest 2013 ( Memento from February 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  11. a b Vienna Book Week 2007