Pfaffendorf (Rietz-Neuendorf)

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Community Rietz-Neuendorf
Coordinates: 52 ° 15 '58 "  N , 14 ° 9' 46"  E
Height : 109 m above sea level NHN
Area : 16.7 km²
Residents : 347  (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density : 21 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : December 31, 2001
Postal code : 15848
Area code : 033672
Volunteer Fire Brigade building
Volunteer Fire Brigade building

Pfaffendorf ( Lower Sorbian Popojce ) is a district of the municipality of Rietz-Neuendorf in the Oder-Spree district in the state of Brandenburg .

Geographical location

The village is north of the community center. To the east is the district of Sauen . The other districts of Görzig , Groß Rietz , Herzberg and Wilmersdorf follow in a clockwise direction . The village includes the Lamitsch residential area, which is connected to the historic village center to the south, and the inhabited part of the municipality Kunersdorf to the north. Pfaffendorf is located on the Beeskower Platte and has some elevations such as the Scheuerberg, the Schwarzberg or the Rodelberg. The north-eastern and south-western part of the district is forested. The remaining part is mainly used for agriculture.

History and etymology

During archaeological excavations, medieval ceramic remains were found in the place , which indicate an early settlement. Pfaffendorf was first mentioned in a document in 1418. The name is said to be derived from a legend in which a holy grove is said to have been on one of the elevations around the place . A veiled idol is said to have stood on the top of this place , which was unveiled by the priest during celebrations . In the years 1736 and 1737, craftsmen built a village church in the village .

On April 1, 1938, the neighboring community of Lamitsch, south of Pfaffendorf, was incorporated. The place Kunersdorf was spun off from Pfaffendorf in 1945 and belonged to the municipality again since July 1, 1950. In 1965, workers found around 2,000 silver coins from the 13th and 14th centuries in a trench in Lamitsch. In 2001 the place was incorporated into Rietz-Neuendorf. In 2018 the place celebrated its 600th anniversary.

Culture and sights

Pfaffendorf village church

Economy and Infrastructure


Some farmers have formed an agricultural cooperative. In addition to some small businesses, there is an advertising agency in town.


The federal highway 168 provides a north-south direction through Pfaffendorf. Bus line 403 connects the place with Fürstenwalde / Spree and Beeskow .

The circular path Fürstenwalde Beeskow in this section is shut down .

Web links

Commons : Pfaffendorf  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Pfaffendorf , website of the municipality of Rietz-Neuendorf, accessed on January 3, 2019.

Individual evidence

  1. Müller's Large German Local Book 2012: Complete local dictionary. 33. revised and exp. Ed., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and Boston 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-027420-2 , online at Google Books , p. 1080
  2. ^ Pfaffendorf , website of the Kultur- und Heimatverein Pfaffendorf, accessed on January 3, 2019.