Glanhofen parish church

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Feldkirchen Glanhofen Kirchplatz 5 Parish Church St. Laurentius 16102011 331.jpg

The Roman Catholic parish church Glanhofen in the district Glanhofen the town of Feldkirchen is the holy Laurentius consecrated. Between 1065 and 1077 a church in Glanhofen was mentioned as the own church of the noble Heinrich. Around 1166 the church went to the diocese of Bamberg . By 1264 at the latest, the church was in sovereign possession. Glanhofen was first mentioned as a parish between 1260 and 1269. In 1851 a fire destroyed the church.

Building description

The parish church was largely rebuilt after the fire of 1851. The late classical portico with an attic protrudes laterally over the width of the nave. The core of the tower comes from the Romanesque period , the upper floor of the tower with the wide, round-arched sound openings was built after the fire, as were the additions to the south and north of the tower. The tall pyramid helmet was only added to the tower in 1976. Today's choir was added to the original choir tower around 1500. The original tracery has been preserved in two of the choir windows .

The walled organ gallery is located on the upper floor of the portico porch. In the nave, a pointed barrel vault with stitch caps and belts rises above Tuscan pilasters . The pointed, chamfered triumphal arch was built into the Romanesque masonry of the tower square in the late Gothic period. The tower square has a late Gothic cross vault . The two-bay choir with a three-eighth closure is increased by two levels. In the choir, a reticulated vault with strongly profiled ribs and square keystones rests on short round services .


The wall paintings from the first half of the 14th century in the tower square were uncovered in 1951 and 1993/94. Eight saints can be seen under arcades. The stand is supported by beams painted in perspective. Above the scene of the Judas kiss is a figure of Christ with a gesture of blessing and a cross staff. On the west wall there is a handkerchief of Veronica worn by angels . The painted rib star and the evangelist symbols in four-passages in the vault were created around 1500.


The three cartilage altars date from the last quarter of the 17th century. The high altar consists of an aedicula above a base and a small aedicula with a split segment gable and a simple cartilage frame as an attachment. The side ears are decorated with cartilage, the pillars are fluted . Putti sit on the segments and volutes . The main picture depicting St. Lawrence was painted in 1946. The top picture with St. Sebastian dates from the 17th century. The top is a picture of God the Father .

The left side altar from 1682 consists of a simple aedicula over a small base with cartilage on the side ears. The altar panel from the last quarter of the 18th century shows a Maria Immaculata , the top picture Anna and Maria. On the right side altar, St. Stephen is depicted in the central image from the 19th century and St. Joseph in the essay .

The basket of the pulpit , built around 1700 , is used today as an ambo . The Gothic font with a wooden lid is crowned by a baptismal group from the mid-18th century.

The church also features life-size console figures of the Prince Apostles Peter and Paul from the last quarter of the 17th century, a statue of St. Sebastian from the 17th century on a putto console, and the statuettes of the Risen Lord and St. Lawrence from the 18th century and a picture of St. Aloysius in a Rococo frame from the third quarter of the 18th century.


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 194.

Coordinates: 46 ° 41 '21.1 "  N , 14 ° 5' 26"  E