Pier Luigi Mazzoni

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Pier Luigi Mazzoni (born August 3, 1932 in Dovadola , Forlì-Cesena province , Italy ; † July 12, 2012 in Gaeta , Latina province ) was Archbishop of Gaeta .

Pier Luigi Mazzoni first studied in the Seminary of Modigliana and Canon Law at the Pontifical Lombard Seminary in Rome . After a licentiate in philosophy at the Pontifical Lateran University , he was at the Pontifical Gregorian University for Dr. theol. PhD . He was ordained a priest in Rome on February 18, 1958 . He worked for the Congregation for Bishops , where he became department head and deputy secretary.

In 1991 he was appointed Bishop of Ascoli Piceno by Pope John Paul II . The episcopal ordination on May 18, 1991 in the Roman basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore was donated to him by Bernardin Cardinal Gantin ; Co- consecrators were the Apostolic Nuncio in Italy, Luigi Poggi , and his predecessor as Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Marcello Morgante . In 1997 he was appointed Archbishop of Gaeta.

On September 20, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI. his resignation request submitted for reasons of age.

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predecessor Office successor
Vincenzo Maria Farano Archbishop of Gaeta
Bernardo Fabio D'Onorio
Marcello Morgante Bishop of Ascoli Piceno
Silvano Montevecchi

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Si è spento Mons. Pier Luigi Mazzoni Arcivescovo Emerito di Gaeta. " , Accessed on July 16, 2012 (Italian)
  2. ^ "I funerali dell'arcivescovo emerito, mons. Pierluigi Mazzoni " , Archdiocese of Gaeta , July 12, 2012 (Italian)