Pierdonato Cesi (cardinal, 1583)

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Pierdonato Cesi (* around 1585 in Rome ; † January 30, 1656 there ) was an Italian cardinal .


He was the son of Federico Cesi, lord of Oliveto Sabino , and his wife Pulcheria Orsini. Other cardinals from the same family were Paolo Emilio Cesi , Federico Cesi , Pierdonato Cesi seniore and Bartolomeo Cesi .

He received his first education from the oratorians of St. Philip Neri , later he obtained a doctorate in law . He was given three wealthy abbeys as benefices and he was appointed trainee lawyer at the courts of the Apostolic Signature . On April 8, 1615 he became Apostolic Protonotar de numero participantium and in 1625 cleric of the Apostolic Chamber . From January 2, 1627 to 1630 he was Governor of Civitavecchia, in 1634 he became General Treasurer of His Holiness.

Pope Urban VIII created him in the consistory of December 16, 1641 as a cardinal priest . The red hat and San Marcello as a titular church received Pierdonato Cesi on 10 February 1642. 1643 he was legatus a latere in Perugia and received papal permission, the pronounced by the Spanish royal appointment as a canon of the Cathedral of Toledo to accept. Pierdonato Cesi was a participant in the 1644 conclave that Pope Innocent X elected. From January 9, 1651 to January 8, 1652 he was chamberlain of the Holy College of Cardinals . He was a participant in the 1655 conclave , from which Alexander VII emerged as pope.

Pierdonato Cesi died in his Roman palazzo near San Marcello and was buried in the church of Santa Prassede .


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