Pierre Allix

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Pierre Allix (born December 5, 1641 in Alençon , France , † March 3, 1717 in London ) was a clergyman of the Reformed Church in France (Église réformée français) and author of theological works.


Allix was a son of the Reformed clergyman Pierre Allix and grandson of the doctor Israël Allix. During his studies at the academies in Saumur and Sedan , his great talent for the ancient oriental languages ​​Hebrew, Syriac and Aramaic became apparent. First he was pastor in St. Agobile in Champagne and in Rouen , then in 1670 in Charenton , which at that time was the religious center of the Reformed Church in France .

After the Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1685, he had to flee to London. With the consent of King James II of England, he founded a French Reformed church there for the numerous Huguenots who fled there . In 1690 he became the canon of Salisbury Cathedral . His scholarship made him so respected that he received honorary doctorates from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Louis XIV wanted him to convert to Catholicism and return to France. In addition, through a special envoy, he offered him a pension of 3,000 to 4,000 livres. But Pierre Allix resisted all of these offers.

He was the father of three children, his eldest son, also named Pierre, became chaplain to the King of England and dean of Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire.


Pierre Allix was extremely productive. His numerous books in English, French and Latin attest to his great theological learning. In his church history works Quelques remarques sur l'histoire ecclésiastique des églises antiques de Piémont (1690) and Remarques sur l'histoire ecclésiastique des églises antiques des Albigeois (1692) he turned against the views of Bishop Jacques Bénigne Bossuet . He tried to prove that the Cathars (also called Albigensians) did not teach a dualistic form of Christianity, but were identical with the Waldensians . He did much to keep this error long in church history. He was commissioned by the English Church to write a complete history of the councils, which was to be in seven folio volumes, but which never appeared. Allix also created a French translation of the Bible. Like many of his Reformed contemporaries, he believed in the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ because of the adversities and misfortunes of the contemporary events . In one of his treatises he determined the year 1720, at the latest the year 1736.

Allix 'apologetically oriented Réflexions sur les livres de l'Ecriture sainte were also published in German translation in 1702 ( Reasonable considerations, about the books of H. Schrifft. The truth of the Christian religion thereby to be asserted ). In 1707 Gottfried Arnold published a German translation of his Judgment of the ancient jewish church against the Unitarians in the controversy upon the holy trinity and the divinity of our blessed savior ( statement of the old Jewish churches against the Unitarios in the dispute about the H. Trinity and the deity of our highly praised Heylandes ).



  • Douze sermons de PA ministre du Saint Évangile, sur divers textes, Rotterdam, Reinier Leers, 1685.
  • Douze sermons de PA sur divers textes, Rotterdam, Reinier Leers, 1685.
  • Douze sermons, Rotterdam, Reinier Leers, 1685.
  • Les devoirs du saint ministère, ou Sermon sur les paroles de S. Paul à Tite au chapitre II v. 7 & 8: prononcé à Vitry le François le 12 May 1675 en présence du Synode, & pour l'imposition des mains du sieur Droüet Ministre à Epense, Charenton: Olivier de Varennes, 1676.
  • Les Malheurs de l'impénitence, ou Sermon sur les paroles du I chap. du livre des proverbes aux vers. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28: prononcé à Charenton le 28 décembre 1675 jour de jeûne, Charenton, Olivier de Varennes, 1677.

Bible translation

  • La Sainte Bible, qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament, c'est-à-dire, l'ancienne et la nouvelle alliance. Le tout reveu et conféré sur les textes hébreux & grecs par les pasteurs & les professeurs de l'Église de Genève. Avec les indices nécessaires pour l'instruction du lecteur. On ajouté en cette dernière édition les Pseaumes de David, Amsterdam, aux dêpens de la compagnie, et se vend chez P. Mortier, et JL de Lorme, 1702.

Church history works

  • Dissertatio de Trisagii Origine, Rouen, Jean Lucas, 1674. Publié sous le pseudonyms Petro AVDM, l'ouvrage fut mis à l'Index librorum prohibitorum par un décret du 17 octobre 1678. Étudiant les origines historiques du Trisagion, Allix n'y voit que l'exploitation d'un fait divers (un tremblement de terre à Constantinople en 446) et souligne le prétendu contenu magique de la formule.
  • Quelques remarques sur l'histoire ecclésiastique des églises antiques de Piémont, 1690. (Some Remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of Piedmont. London 1690, 8 volumes)
  • Remarques sur l'histoire ecclésiastique des églises antiques des Albigeois, 1692. (Remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of the Albigenses. London, 1692. 4 volumes)

Other writings

  • Les Maximes du vray chrétien, Charenton, A. Cellier, 1678.
  • Preparation a la Sainte Cène, Charenton, Veuve A. Cellier, 1682.
  • Ratramne, ou Bertram prêtre, Du corps et du sang du Seigneur: avec une dissertation préliminaire, sur Ratramme, & une autre dissertation historique sur la vie & les ouvrages de cet auteur, traduite de l'anglois, Quevilly, Jean Lucas, 1672.
  • Réflexions sur les cinq livres de Moyse: pour établir la vérité de la religion chrétienne, Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1687.
  • Réflexions sur les livres de l'Ecriture Sainte, pour établir la vérité de la religion chrétienne, Amsterdam, P. Marret, 1689.
  • Response to the dissertation qui est à la fin du livre de Mr. Arnaud: touchant le livre du corps & du sang du Seigneur, publié sous le nom de Bertram, & touchant l'autorité de Jean Scot ou Erigene. Avec quelques augmentations importantes faites à la Réponse au livre de M. Arnaud, par l'auteur mesme, Quevilly, Jean Lucas, demeurant à Roüen, 1671.


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