Pierre Cureau de La Chambre

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Pierre Cureau de La Chambre (also: Abbé de La Chambre ) (* December 20, 1640 in Paris ; † April 15, 1693 ibid) was a French Roman Catholic clergyman, pulpit speaker, writer and member of the Académie française .

life and work

Pierre Cureau de La Chambre was the son of Marin Cureau de la Chambre , the king's personal physician, and brother of the doctor François de La Chambre (1630–1680). He was the godchild of Chancellor Pierre Séguier , after Richelieu patron of the Académie française. He grew up with Armand du Cambout de Coislin and Pierre du Cambout de Coislin . He made a trip to Italy and met Bernini and Malvasia . He became a cleric and in 1666 Commendatarprior of Notre-Dame-de- Marmande , also chaplain of the Council of State, a particularly well-paid position. At the same time he frequented the literature salon of Madame de Sablé and was involved with Jacques Esprit in the production of the maxims of François de La Rochefoucauld .

After the death of his father, he followed him in 1670 with the protection of Séguiers in seat no. 36 of the Académie française. There he gave the welcoming speeches by Philippe Quinault (1670), Jean de La Fontaine (1684) and Nicolas Boileau (1684), as well as the funeral speeches for Pierre Séguier (1672) and for Queen Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche , wife of Louis XIV. As a panegyric and pulpit speaker, he also gave speeches and sermons on Rosa von Lima (1669), Karl Borromeo (1670), Bernini (1670), Teresa von Ávila (1678) and Louis the Saint (1681, reprinted in 2013).

From 1678 he was pastor of Saint-Barthélemy in Paris. During the great famine of 1693 he spent so much time serving the poor that he died at the age of 52. He was buried in Saint-Eustache .


  • Panegyrique de S. Louis . Lacour, Nîmes 2013.


  • René Kerviler (1842–1907): Marin et Pierre Cureau de la Chambre (1596–1693). Etude sur leur vie et leurs écrits . Pellechat, Le Mans 1877, pp. 102-136. Grenoble 2010.


La Bruyère on his predecessor in the Académie française:

“Vous aviez choisi en Mr. l'Abbé de la Chambre un homme si pieux, si tendre, si charitable, si louable par le cœur, qui avoit des mœurs si sages et si chrestiennes, qui estoit si touché de religion, si attaché à ses devoirs, qu'une de ses moindres qualitez estoit de bien écrire; de solides vertus qu'on voudroit celebrer, font passer legerement sur son érudition ou sur son éloquence; on estime encore plus sa vie et sa conduite que ses ouvrages; je préfèrerois en effet de prononcer le Discours funebre de celui à qui je succede, plustost que de me borner à un simple éloge de son esprit: le merite en lui n'estoit pas une chose acquise, mais un patrimoine, un bien héréditaire, si du moins il en faut en juger par le choix de celui qui avoit livré son cœur, sa confiance, toute sa personne à cette famille, qui l'avoit renduë comme vostre alliée, puisqu'on veut dire qu'il l'avoit adoptée, et qu'il l'avoit mise avec l'Académie Françoise fous sa protection. Je parle du Chancelier Seguier.

( With the Abbé de la Chambre you have chosen such a pious, tender and poor man, with such a praiseworthy heart, with such wise and Christian customs, who was so touched by religion, so dutiful that beautiful writing was his His firm, praiseworthy virtues put his scholarship and eloquence in the background; his life and way of life are valued even more than his published work; instead of confining myself to simple praise of his intellect, I would prefer one to my predecessor hold entire funeral speech; merit for him was something that he had not gained, but something inherited, at least according to the judgment of the one who had handed his heart, his trust, even his whole person over to this family, to whom they for such a thing made like your allies and, as it were, adopted them and put them under his protection together with the Académie française g had taken. I am speaking of Chancellor Séguier . "

Web links


  1. http://www.academie-francaise.fr/discours-de-reception-de-jean-de-la-bruyere-et-preface