Koos Verdam

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Pieter Verdam (1977)

Pieter Jacobus "Koos" Verdam (born January 15, 1915 in Amsterdam ; † March 11, 1998 in Bilthoven , Utrecht province ) was a Dutch legal scholar and politician of the Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (ARP) and most recently the Christian Democratisch Appèl (CDA) who worked as a professor at the Free University of Amsterdam for around 25 years and was Minister of the Interior and Royal Commissioner of the Province of Utrecht. He has also written numerous books on topics from Roman law and legal history .


Studies and university professor

After attending the Protestant primary school and Gereformeerd Gymnasium in Amsterdam in 1933, Verdam began studying law at the Free University of Amsterdam, which he graduated on June 17, 1938. He then took up a position as a lawyer and on March 15, 1940 received his doctorate as Dr. jur. with a dissertation on the subject of Nietigheid van besluiten . From 1940 to 1945 he was head of the secretariat of the board of directors of the NV De Bijenkorf department store chain in Amsterdam.

On October 4, 1945, Verdam accepted a professorship at the Free University of Amsterdam and taught there until September 5, 1966, Roman law and private international law . In addition, he began his political career as a member of the Central Committee of the District Association of the Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (ARP) between 1950 and 1960 and as chairman of the party's organizing committee from 1956 to October 28, 1960.

From July 1, 1958 to September 5, 1966 he represented the interests of the ARP in the provincial states of the province of North Holland . In addition to his teaching activities, he was also rector of the Free University of Amsterdam between September 16, 1959 and September 21, 1960 . He also acted from April 20, 1959 to 1970 as a deputy judge at the Gerechtshof Amsterdam , the court of appeal responsible for Amsterdam , and between 1960 and 1965 as a deputy member of the Academic Council. In addition, from April 1960 to 1965 he was chairman of the Verdam Commission named after him, a commission of inquiry for the revision of company law , between December 1960 and September 5, 1966, a representative of the Krone, and from 1961 to 1966 a member of the executive committee for social affairs. Economic Council.

For his services, Verdam was first honored on April 29, 1963 with the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Dutch Lion .

Interior Minister and member of the First Chamber

The ministers of the Zijlstra Cabinet 1966 (Pieter Verdam, back row, 1st from right)

Verdam was appointed by Prime Minister Jo Cals as Minister of the Interior ( Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken ) in his cabinet on September 5, 1966 and held this ministerial office in the government formed by Prime Minister Jelle Zijlstra until April 5, 1967. After leaving the government, he was appointed Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau on April 17, 1967 .

After leaving the government, he became a member of the First Chamber of the States General on May 23, 1967, and represented the ARP in it until March 16, 1970. In addition, Verdam resumed teaching at the Free University of Amsterdam in September 1967, where he held the professorship for Roman law and legal history until March 16, 1970. In addition, he acted from January 14, 1967 to March 7, 1970 as chairman of the advisory commission of the ARP and was at the same time from June 1968 to 1970 a member of the group of eighteen, who thought about the cooperation of ARP, Christelijk-Historische Unie (CHU) and Katholieke Volkspartij (KVP) made, as well as 1969 chairman of the working group of the ARP for the future administrative division. During his membership in parliament he was also between September 1969 and March 16, 1970 Vice-Chairman of the parliamentary group of the ARP in the First Chamber. He was also a member of the State Commission for the Simplification and Codification of Social Legislation , which was chaired by Gerard Veldkamp , from April 1, 1969 to November 9, 1982 .

Royal Commissioner and Member of the Council of State

On March 16, 1970, Verdam was appointed Royal Commissioner ( Commissaris van de Koningin ) of the Province of Utrecht by Queen Juliana as the successor to Constant Theodore Emmo van Lynden van Sandenburg and held this office until his replacement by Pieter van Dijke on March 1, 1980 out. During this time he became Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Free University in 1971 and from 1973 to 1970 he was Chairman of the College for General Assistance Law. In addition, he became Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Police Academy ( Nederlandse Politie Academie ) in 1976 and was a member of the Bank Council from September 1, 1977 to April 29, 1980.

After tensions arose in October 1977 during the term of office of Prime Minister Joop den Uyl's government , Verdam acted together with Maarten Vrolijk from October 11th to 25th, 1977 as a so-called informator to investigate the possibilities of forming a government on behalf of the Second Chamber of the States General to probe.

After completing his duties as Royal Commissioner, Verdam, who was also appointed Grand Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau on January 24, 1980 , was appointed to and belonged to the Council of State ( Raad van State ) on March 1, 1980 by royal decision until March 1, 1986. During this time, from February 17, 1985 to March 28, 1988, he was a member of the Advisory Commission for Government, Worship and Worldview, headed by Ernst Hirsch Ballin . In May 1986 he also became a member of the Reich Institute for War Documentation RIOD ( Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie ).


  • Nietigheid van besluiten , dissertation, 1940
  • De zuiveringsgedachte bij de Romeinen , 1945
  • Mosaic law in practice and study throughout the ages , 1959
  • Sanhedrin en Gabbatha: enige noodzakelijke aanvullingen op de legal historical literatuur , 1959
  • A commentaar van Hugo de Groot op de Lex Romana Burgundiorum , 1963
  • Nederlandse rechtsgeschiedenis 1795-1975 , 1976

Web links

Commons : Koos Verdam  - collection of images, videos and audio files