Cabinet Zijlstra

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Cabinet Ministers 1966

The Zijlstra cabinet formed the government of the Netherlands from November 22, 1966 to April 5, 1967.

It was a coalition of the Christian Democratic parties KVP and ARP , which was formed after the fall of the Cals cabinet , which also included the social democratic PvdA . It was a so-called rompkabinet and, since the parties involved in the Second Chamber did not have a majority, also a minority government .



Business area / office minister Political party
general affairs
prime minister
Jelle Zijlstra ARP

Deputy Prime Minister for Transport and Water Management
Jan de Quay CIP
Agriculture and Fisheries
Deputy Prime Minister
Barend Biesheuvel ARP
Exterior Joseph Luns CIP
Judiciary Teun pieces CIP
Interior Pieter Verdam ARP
education and Science Isaäc Arend Diepenhorst ARP
defense Piet de Jong CIP
Housing and spatial planning Herman Witte CIP
economy Joop Bakker ARP
Social and health Gerard Veldkamp CIP
Culture, recreation and care Marga Klompé CIP
Ministers without portfolio mandated to help developing countries Theo Bot CIP

State Secretaries

Business area State Secretary Political party
Exterior Leo de Block CIP
education and Science Hans Grosheide ARP
defense Adri van Es ARP
Gerard Peijnenburg independent
Heije Schaper independent
Transport and water management Leo de Block
from November 28, 1966
economy Louis van Son
from November 28, 1966
Social and health Aloysius Bartels CIP
José de Meijer CIP

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