Pyotr Ivanovich Panin

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Pyotr Panin

Count Pyotr Ivanovich Panin ( Russian Пётр Иванович Панин , scientific transliteration Petr Ivanovič Panin ; * 1721 ; † April 15, 1789 in Moscow ) was a Russian lieutenant general and younger brother of Foreign Minister Nikita Ivanovich Panin (1718–1783).


Pyotr Panin spent his childhood in Perm , where his father Ivan Vasilievich Panin (1673-1736) served as garrison commander.

Pyotr's military service began in 1736 with the Ismailov Guard Regiment, in the same year he was promoted to lieutenant and fought against the Crimean Tatars under Field Marshal Münnich near Perekop . At the beginning of the Seven Years' War in 1756 he had already risen to major general . The achievements of his troops in the Battle of Zorndorf (1757) earned him the Alexander Nevsky Order . In 1759 his division decided the victory over the Prussians in the battle of Kunersdorf , for his leadership there he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general . Under the command of General Chernitshev, his troops participated in the Russian occupation of Berlin in 1760 . In 1762 he and his brother Nikita participated in the coup d'état against Peter III, whereupon Catherine II came to power. In the Russian Turkish War in 1769 he commanded the 2nd Russian Army against the Crimean Khanate and occupied Bender in 1770 on the advance to the Dniester . On October 8, 1770, he was awarded the Order of St. George 1st Class for handing over the Akkerman Fortress .

After breaking through the Perekop position, he advanced in 1771 with the troops of Prince Dolgoruki on the Crimean peninsula . When General Bibikow died in the theater of war in Tatarstan in April 1774 , Katharina appointed Panin as the new commander-in-chief against the Pugachev uprising. Between 1774 and 1775 he successfully suppressed the Pugachev uprising in the provinces of Kazan , Orenburg and Nizhny Novgorod . Since autumn 1775 his health was in poor health and he had to withdraw from all public affairs.

Pyotr Ivanovich was married twice: on February 8, 1747 he married the lady-in-waiting Anna Alexsewna Tatischew (1729–1764), daughter of the St. Petersburg mayor Alexei D. Tatischew. He concluded a second marriage on April 29, 1767 with Maria Weydel (1746–1775), a daughter of Major General Robert von Wedel.


In 1771 the Prussian King Friedrich II awarded him the Order of the Black Eagle .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon , Volume 2, Leipzig 1836. P. 94.

Web links

Wikisource: Pyotr Panin  - Sources and full texts (Russian)