Pyotr Pavlovich Kawerin

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Pyotr Pavlovich Kawerin

Pyotr Pavlovich Kawerin ( Russian Пётр Павлович Каверин / Pëtr Pavlovič Kaverin; born  September 9, 1794 in the Moscow governorate , †  September 30, 1855 in Radsiwilow in the Volhynia governorate ) was a Russian colonel , a Freemason and member of the. The latter association was a forerunner of the Decembrist movement founded in January 1818 .

Pyotr's father, the senator and secret councilor Pawel Nikititsch Kawerin (1763-1853) from the Moscow aristocratic family of the Kawerins, was chief police officer of Moscow from 1797 to 1798 and from 1811 to 1816 civil governor of Kaluga and Smolensk . The mother Anna Petrovna, née Korsakow, born in the 1770s and died in 1808, was the illegitimate daughter of Lieutenant General Alexander Vasilyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1729–1781).

Pyotr, a member of the Young Moscow Archivists since 1805, was educated from 1808 in the Pension for Noble Boys, a closed educational establishment at Moscow University , studied at the same university from 1809 and in Göttingen from 1810 to 1812 . In the difficult times of the following years, Pyotr Kawerin did military service in the Russian Landwehr from January 15, 1813. Kaverin, adjutant of a militia general who was a lieutenant in the Olwiopoler Hussars taken regiment and brought it there under John Casimir Adam Graf von Bennigsen (1776-1816) to the bar riding champion . After the end of the war , Kawerin was appointed adjutant to General Toll in the Pavlovsk bodyguard regiment of His Majesty . On March 17, 1819 he joined the 2nd Suwalken Hussar Regiment as a major . As a lieutenant colonel, Kawerin resigned from military service on February 14, 1823 due to illness.

Already in the period up to 1821 he had turned to the above mentioned welfare association. Pushkin and Lermontov immortalized the hussar pieces from the war times of their friend, the retired Kawerin, in some of their works. The tired warrior was also friends with Griboyedov , Vyazemsky , Nikolai Turgenew and the Freemason Viktor Tepljakow, one of the representatives of the Golden Age .

On September 11, 1826 Kawerin rejoined the Russian armed forces; This time came as a major in the 1st St. Petersburg Uhlan Regiment. After changing to the Suwalken 2nd Courland Bodyguard Regiment, he participated in the Russo-Turkish War and in the suppression of the November uprising . On January 5, 1836, Kawerin left the Russian Army as a colonel .

In financial distress, he had to take command of the border guard in Radziwilow. There he stayed with his wife Evdokija and his father. In 1856 the widow Evdokija had the cemetery church of Saint Paul of Thebes built in Radsiwilow . There Pyotr Kawerin rests next to his father.

Web links

Commons : Pjotr ​​Pawlowitsch Kawerin  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry in Decembrists 1825 (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Союз благоденствия - Soyuz blagodenstwija
  2. Russian ru: Каверин, Павел Никитич
  3. Russian ru: Каверины
  4. Russian Анна Петровна Корсакова
  5. Russian ru: Римский-Корсаков, Александр Васильевич
  6. Russian ru: Архивные юноши
  7. Russian ru: Московский университетский благородный пансион
  8. Russian ru: Земское ополчение 1812 года
  9. Russian ru: Ольвиопольский гусарский полк
  10. Russian ru: Беннигсен, Адам Леонтьевич
  11. Russian ru: Лейб-гвардии Гусарский Его Величества полк
  12. Russian ru: Павлоградский 2-й лейб-гусарский полк
  13. Russian ru: Тепляков, Виктор Григорьевич
  14. Russian ru: Поэты пушкинской поры
  15. Russian ru: Санкт-Петербургский 1-й уланский полк
  16. Russian ru: Курляндский 2-й лейб-уланский полк
  17. Russian Евдокия