Police call 110: Two sisters

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title Two sisters
Country of production GDR
original language German
on behalf of
DDR television
length 93 minutes
classification Episode 114 ( List )
First broadcast October 25, 1987 on GDR 1
Director Hans-Werner Honert
script Günter Mehnert
production Giselher Venzke
music Jürgen Wilbrandt
camera Hans-Jürgen Kruse
cut Brigitte Koppe

Two sisters is a German crime film by Hans-Werner Honert from 1987. The television film was released as the 114th episode of the film series Polizeiruf 110 .

In 2014 ZDF brought a sequel to the series SOKO Leipzig .


Beate Bernert has just divorced her husband Kurt Singer. Kurt, who works in the garbage disposal, takes the judge's verdict on the division of property seriously and begins to cut through all the furniture in the apartment with a chainsaw. Beate takes her clothes and moves in with her sister Angelika. A short time later, she was already enjoying herself with her large circle of friends at a friend's birthday party. She dances and flirts with Angelika's fiancé Jochen, who gets drunk without restraint. Kurt only comes for a short visit and will be leaving soon. He is repulsed by Beate's behavior, especially since he knows that Beate is targeting Jochen. Angelika tells Beate that she is expecting a child from Jochen and that they both want to get married. When she asked to leave Jochen alone, Beate responded evasively. One day Kurt Angelika reports on the phone that Beate is meeting Jochen in the city park. A short time later, Beate is found lifeless in the park. She was knocked down with a stone and is taken to hospital seriously injured.

Captain Peter Fuchs and Lieutenant Thomas Grawe take over the investigation. They question Jochen, who says that he was late for the meeting with Beate and that he only saw the ambulance drive away. He doesn't find anything dishonest about meeting Beate, as Angelika knows that he gets along well with her sister. Angelika also thinks that their relationship is very tolerant. She testifies that she first went shopping on the day of the date and later picked up her daughter from kindergarten. Kurt, in turn, went shopping too, which witnesses can confirm. Nevertheless, the operator at the rescue control center identified him as the caller who called the ambulance for Beate. Kurt admits that after shopping, he stopped by the spot where Beate was lying. The investigators also learn that Kurt was previously engaged to Angelika and that their daughter Ulrike comes from this relationship. Kurt left Angelika for her sister, who found a new friend in Jochen. Angelika could have committed the deed out of jealousy between shopping and picking up her daughter, but Beate greets her sister lovingly when she wakes up from the coma. For Peter Fuchs, Kurt is a possible perpetrator, but Grawe rejects this theory, because Kurt let out his anger at Beate on the furniture. He is all the more surprised when Beate indirectly incriminates Kurt and who a short time later volunteers and makes a confession. On request, however, he cannot give any precise information about the stone with which he has struck, nor does he know how often he has struck. He can walk again.

The investigators suspect that Kurt wants to cover up the real culprit and suspect that Angelika wanted to kill her sister. Fuchs and Grawe learn that Angelika was always the patient of the sisters and maybe even had a bad conscience towards her sister, as she took over their house in Meißen after the death of their parents, while Beate moved into an apartment without complaint. Angelika later introduced Beate to the collective at the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory , where the young woman quickly made friends. It is especially popular with men. Now Beate is blackmailing Angelika. On the advice of the doctors, she moved in with Angelika while she was recovering, although Jochen spoke out against it. Beate makes it clear to Angelika that she wants Jochen and otherwise can and would testify at any time who knocked her down. She pushes herself into the relationship between Angelika and Jochen, prevents their evening together on the occasion of their two-year relationship and makes Angelika bad in front of Jochen. Although the investigators visit Angelika several times, she does not testify. She also does not carry out her threat to Beate to face the police herself in an emergency. Instead, she organizes an opera ticket for herself so that Beate and Jochen don't go to the opera alone. In Dresden, however, she spends most of the time outside the auditorium because the air is said to be too bad for her.

Before going to the opera, she handed a letter to Grawe to her neighbor, Frau List, who takes care of Ulrika. Frau List reads the letter to Grawe on the phone. In it, Angelika confesses to having knocked Beate down. She writes that she has paid for it and is still paying, but that she, Beate and Jochen will have paid when Grawe receives the letter. He immediately leads a large manhunt, he suspects that Angelika wants to commit suicide. After attending the opera, Angelika drives the car with Beate and Jochen on the back seat. Both of them provoke Angelika indirectly because she missed most of the opera. They notice too late that Angelika is not going to Meißen and is racing towards a bridge pillar at ever increasing speed. There is a collision and a few seconds later the car explodes. The rescue workers are on site shortly afterwards and can rescue Angelika seriously injured. She is being transported away. Fuchs and Grawe were left helpless - those who do not accept help can hardly be helped.


Two sisters were shot in Dresden , Meißen , Silbitz and Unterweißbach . The studio recordings were made in the DEFA studio for feature films in Potsdam-Babelsberg. The costumes of the film created Barbara Braumann that Filmbauten come from Klaus Winter . The film premiered on October 25, 1987 in the first program of East German television. The audience participation was 55.6 percent.

It was the 114th episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 . Captain Peter Fuchs investigated in his 68th case and Lieutenant Thomas Grawe in his 9th case.


The ZDF broadcast in the framework crime series on Sept. 19, 2014 SOKO Leipzig is a continuation of the story of "Two Sisters". Old excerpts from the Police Call 110 episode were also used and integrated into the new case.


  • Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-360-00958-4 , p. 122.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation according to http://www.polizeiruf110-lexikon.de/filme.php?Nummer=114 (link only available to a limited extent)
  2. ^ Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases . Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, p. 122.