Zhejiang Polytechnic University

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Zhejiang Polytechnic University (浙江 工业 大学)
motto Virtuous and powerful

(厚德 健行)

founding 1953
place Hangzhou
state Zhejiang Province
country China
president Zhang Libin (张立彬)
Students > 30,000
Employee > 3000
including professors n / A
Annual budget na (Instead of the budget, the area of ​​the campus is given as a measure of material importance. That is 213 hectares.)
Website zjut.edu.cn

The Zhejiang Polytechnic University ( Chinese 浙江 工业 大学 , transcribed: Zhèjiāng gon̄gyè dàxué, official name English: Zhejiang University of Technology , short name: Zhè Gōngdà.) Is a state university in Zhejiang Province , with its seat in the provincial capital, Hangzhou , with a focus on science and technology. The engineering sciences are at the center of the training ; chemical engineering and bioengineering in particular have a very high impact . Zhejiang Polytechnic University has very close relationships with industry and business. It is one of the most important universities in the Yangtze River Delta and Zhejiang Province and currently ranks 70th in the list of universities in China.


The Zhejiang Polytechnic University , as the main integrating university, is directly under the jurisdiction of the Zhejiang Provincial Government . It was founded in 1953. Forerunners can be traced back to the Zhejiang Middle School of Industry , founded in 1910. Between June 1953 and June 1958 it was called the Hangzhou School of Chemical Engineering . From June 1958 to August 1960 it served as the Zhejiang College of Experts in Chemical Engineering , then from February 1960 to October 1980 as the Zhejiang College for Chemical Engineering , February 1978 to February 1993 as "Zhejiang College for Engineering" and then from December 1993 to the present day as the Polytechnic Zhejiang University .

In the further historical development there were some splits and amalgamations. The Zhejiang Provincial Economic Administration Cadre Academy , Hangzhou Shipping Technical School , and Zhejiang Building Materials Technical School were separated in 1994. Between 1997 and 2001 they were reintegrated into the Zhejiang Polytechnic University. The college has developed into a teaching and research university of significant and extensive influence within China.

Three campus areas

  • Zhaohui Campus (Main Campus, 朝晖 校区 (本部)
  • Pingfeng Campus (屏峰校区)
  • Zhijiang Campus (之 江 校区 (之 江 学院)

Institutes and departments

The university currently consists of 20 institutes and two departments:

  • Institute for Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (化学 工程 与 材料 学院)
  • Institute for Mechanical Engineering (机械 工程 学院)
  • Institute for Information Technology (信息 工程 学院)
  • Institute for Economic Management (经贸 管理 学院)
  • Institute for Construction (建筑工程 学院)
  • Institute for Nature and Environmental Technology (生物 与 环境 工程 学院)
  • Institute for Humanities (人文 学院)
  • Institute for Pharmacy (药 学院)
  • Institute for Natural Sciences (理 学院)
  • Institute for Law (法学院)
  • Institute for Foreign Languages ​​(外国语 学院)
  • Institute for Art History (艺术 学院)
  • Institute for Health Care (健行 学院)
  • Institute for Politics and Public Administration (政治 与 公共 管理 学院)
  • Institute for Computer Science and Technology, and Software (计算机 科学 与 技术 、 软件 学院)
  • Institute for International Affairs (国际 学院)
  • Institute for Science and Technology of Education (教育 科学 与 技术 学院)
  • Institute for Adult Education (成人 教育 学院)
  • Institute for (affairs) on the Yangtze River (之 江 学院)
  • Academy for Postgraduate Studies (研究生 院)
  • Research Department for Ideology, Politics and Education (思政 教研部)
  • Sports and Military Training Department (体育 军训 部)

University officials

Great personalities

  • Xü Guangxian (徐光宪): chemist, father of rare earth chemistry in China, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, temporary student (1936–1937) of the Zhejiang State University of Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhejiang Polytechnic University.
Important presidents of the university
  • Li Shouheng (李寿恒): founder of Chinese chemistry.
  • Shen Yinchu (沈 寅初): Father of green agriculture (biological pesticides) in China, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Association of the six universities in the Yangzi triangle (长三角 六 校 联盟)

The association carries out annual inter-university projects.

In 2012, the association changed its name to "Cooperation Alliance of Universities in the Yangzi Delta" ( Chángsānjiǎo Gāoxiào Hēzuò Liánméng , 长三角 高校 合作 联盟). Two new universities have been added.

New members (2012)
Zhejiang Province (浙江省)
City of Shanghai (上海市)
Jiangsu Province (江苏 省)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Current logo of the Zhejiang Polytechnic University. . 浙江 工业 大学 Hangzhou, China. Retrieved February 5, 2013.
  2. Shěn Yínchū receives 2009 distinction in biochemistry and microbiology . edu.zjol.com.cn. Retrieved March 18, 2013.
  3. Li Shouheng's biography on the official Guangming Daily homepage . Guangming Daily, Beijing, China. Retrieved February 11, 2013.
  4. Biography of Shen Yinchu at www.bioon.com Portal for Biological Research, Biomedicine and Agricultural Production . bioon.com, China. Archived from the original on January 5, 2015. Retrieved February 11, 2013.