Prawica Rzeczypospolitej

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The rights of the republic
Prawica Rzeczypospolitej
Prawica RP logo
abbreviation Prawica (RP), PR
Party leader Bogusław Kiernicki
founding April 2007
Headquarters Ulica Wspólna 61/105, Warsaw
Alignment Conservatism
Christian Democracy
Political Catholicism
Economic liberalism
EU skepticism
European party European Christian Political Movement
Colours) White red blue

Eu Parliament

Prawica Rzeczypospolitej (German: "The Rights of the Republic", Prawica ( RP ) or PR for short ) is a political party in Poland , which was formed in April 2007 after a draft law to amend the constitution, which contained a ban on abortion as a relevant point failed. Thereupon the then Sejm Marshal Marek Jurek and four other MPs left the PiS , because they saw no more chance to tighten the abortion laws.

Together with two senators who had resigned from the LPR , the newly formed Prawica party was represented in both houses of parliament until autumn 2007.

In addition to opposition to abortion, she also campaigns for other Catholic-conservative values ​​in social politics, for example the rejection of euthanasia, in vitro fertilization and same-sex partnerships. In addition, Prawica is skeptical of the EU if the exit is also rejected. In addition, she advocates de-bureaucratisation and liberalization of the economy and is close to ordoliberalism .

The party uses a red pennant pointing to the right with a white cross of Lorraine as a signet .


In the early elections in 2007 , Prawica RP started together with the conservative-liberal UPR on the list of the nationalist LPR in the alliance Liga Prawicy Rzeczypospolitej (German: League of Rights of the Republic). In 2011 she started again with the UPR and Stronnictwo Piast . None of the alliances was able to overcome the necessary threshold clause.

After an alliance or merger with the PiS spin-off Solidarna Polska failed at the end of 2011 , an agreement was reached with PiS for 2014, as a result of which party leader Marek Jurek gained a seat in the European Parliament in the European elections in the same year . In the Polish parliamentary elections in 2015 , Jan Klawiter, a member of Prawica, entered the Sejm via PiS list.

In 2016, Prawica formally ended the cooperation, as it had previously been de facto excluded by the PiS.

In June 2018, long-time chairman Jurek resigned from his position. Krzysztof Kawęcki was elected as the new chairman. In the self-government elections in 2018 , the Sejmik candidates from Prawica stood for election in squares of the Kukiz movement , and at lower administrative levels via local committees or lists of the PiS.

At the beginning of 2019, the former chairman Jurek announced in the course of the upcoming European elections a cooperation with the newly emerging party Federacja dla Rzeczypospolitej of the MP Jakubiak , which became obsolete after he joined the strongly EU-skeptical alliance Konfederacaja KORWiN Braun Liroy Narodowcy . Shortly afterwards, a joint list with the very similarly aligned parties Ruch Prawdziwa Europa - Europa Christi and Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańskich Rodzin was announced.