Prix ​​Ozone

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The Prix ​​Ozone is a French literary prize that was awarded from 1997 to 2000 by the readers of Ozone magazine for works from the fields of science fiction , fantasy and fantasy . Even after the magazine changed its title to Science Fiction Magazine , the name of the award remained.

List of award winners

French SF novel (Roman de Science-Fiction francophone)
Foreign language SF novel (Roman de Science-Fiction étranger)
  • 2000 Connie Willis for Sans parler du chien (Original title: To Say Nothing of the Dog )
  • 1999 Dan Simmons for L'Éveil d'Endymion - 1 (Original title: The Rise of Endymion )
  • 1998 Kim Stanley Robinson for Mars la bleue (Original title: Blue Mars )
  • 1997 Neal Stephenson for Le Samouraï virtuel (Original title: Snow Crash )
French fantasy novel (Roman de fantasy francophone)
Foreign-language fantasy novel (Roman de fantasy étranger)
French fantastic novel (Roman fantastique francophone)
Foreign language fantastic novel (Roman fantastique étranger)
Children's book (Roman pour la jeunesse)
Jugend-SF-Roman (Roman de Science-Fiction pour la jeunesse)
Prize for the best untranslated English-language novel (Prix SFVO du meilleur roman anglophone non traduit)
French narrative (Nouvelle française)
Foreign language narration (Nouvelle étrangère)
  • 2000 Mike Resnick for Comment j'ai écrit le Nouveau Testament, inauguré la Renaissance et fait un birdy au 17ème trou à Pebble Beach (Original title: How I Wrote the New Testament, Ushered in the Renaissance, and Birdied the 17th Hole at Pebble Beach )
  • 1999 Mike Resnick for Sept vues de la gorge d'Olduvaï (Original title: Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge )
  • 1998 Nancy Kress for Danse aérienne (Original title: Dancing on Air )
French SF story (Nouvelle de Science-Fiction francophone)
Foreign language SF story (Nouvelle de Science-Fiction étrangère)
French fantastic story (Nouvelle de fantastique francophone)
Fantastic story in a foreign language (Nouvelle de fantastique étrangère)
Artist / Illustrator (Artiste / Illustrateur)
Artist / cover image (Artiste de couverture)
Magazine (magazine professionnel)
  • 1998 Bifrost
  • 1997 Galaxies
TV series (Série TV)
Comic (Bande dessinée)
French comic strip (Bande dessinée francophone)
Fanzine (Fanzine / Publication amateure)
  • 1998 Yellow Submarine
  • 1997 Yellow Submarine
Special price (Prix spécial)

Web links