Bruno della Chiesa

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Bruno della Chiesa (born July 7, 1962 ) is a linguist of Italian, French and German origins who describes himself as a “committed cosmopolitan”. He teaches at Harvard University and is one of the main founders of the neurodidactics considered (educational neuroscience). He is also known for having coined the terms “ neuromythos ” (2002) and “neuro-pirates” (2013), and developed the theories for “motivational vortex” (2007) and “tesseracts in the brain” (2008) . He also founded the international science fiction festival Utopiales.

Educational path

In the 1980s, after studying linguistics as well as German literature and philosophy in Nancy (France) and Bonn, he continued his educational path with a postgraduate course in language didactics with Robert Galisson at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III , where he became familiar with sociolinguistics and worked with Louis Porcher in the field of cultural anthropology and educational sociology. Strongly impressed by the work of Pierre Bourdieu , Tzvetan Todorov and Noam Chomsky , with whom he later met professionally and became friends, he developed an interest in the philosophy of language , with Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein particularly influencing him.

work life

Between “cultural diplomacy”, teaching and research

Between 1985 and 1999, Bruno della Chiesa worked for the French Foreign Ministry on several continents. In Cairo ( Egypt ) (1985–1987) he taught French literature and philosophy; in Mexico (1987–1990), as coordinator of the French department of the University of Guadalajara, he developed basic and advanced training programs for French teachers at the seven universities in the west of the country; in Austria (1990–1994) he headed the French Cultural Institute in Graz ; At the end of 1994, at the invitation of the then President of the French Senate, René Monory , he returned to France to manage international relations in the Vienne department.


In early 1999 he accepted a position as a project manager at the Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) of the OECD . His project "Learning Sciences and Brain Research" (1999–2008), which was founded under the incentive of Jarl Bengtsson, brought together over 300 experts from 26 countries and led to the emergence of initiatives that develop a transdisciplinary approach to neurodidactics, initially in North America and Asia and Europe and finally worldwide. During this time he began working with Kurt W. Fischer and Howard Gardner at Harvard University . From 2007 to 2012 he developed - between Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), Ulm and Paris (France) - a controversial project on languages ​​and cultures in the age of globalization , but without giving up the neurosciences . Numerous profound differences of opinion of a philosophical nature regarding the goals and directions of this project, as well as regarding internal politics and structures led to his departure from the organization in 2012.


In 2007, Bruno della Chiesa accepted a call to the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where he has held the annual course “Learning in a Globalizing World: Language Acquisition, Cultural Awareness, and Cognitive Justice” within the International Education Policy and Mind, Brain programs since 2008 and Education and also holds seminars on different topics every year. His interest in “neuroethics” (especially in the sense of “developing ethical judgments and decisions in the brain”) led him to become editor of the section “Addressing Educational Neuroscience and Ethics: Implications for Societies” (“AENEIS”) of the journal Mind , Brain and Education and a member of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES).

Alarmed by the spreading abuse of the neurosciences in the education sector, which took on different contestable (or even fraudulent) forms, from 2012 Bruno della Chiesa regularly denounced the questionable machinations of those he called “neuro-charlatans” or “neuro-zealots” "," Neuro-Pirates "or" Neuro-Dealer ".

Since the focus of his research is now more and more devoted to the challenges and opportunities that globalization presents to contemporary societies and the educational systems that produce them (cf. his transdisciplinary theory of " tesseracts in the brain", which he presented in 2008 and Ever since then), he is Director for Global Education of the Research Schools International initiative, which is led by Harvard professors. Within this system of projects that arose at Harvard University, he is currently working on all continents with a special focus on the particular and in many aspects exemplary case of Singapore. As part of his research, he has given over a hundred lectures in four languages ​​at conferences in 40 countries over the past 15 years.

Science fiction

Bruno della Chiesa has been enthusiastic about science fiction literature since he was a child , and he still reads its philosophical works regularly today ( Philip K. Dick , Ursula K. Le Guin , Christopher Priest ...). In the early 1990s he taught European science fiction literature at the University of Graz (Austria). At the end of 1995 he began to develop an international science fiction festival, which three years later became "Utopia" at the Futuroscope in Poitiers (France). In 2000 the festival moved to Nantes and was renamed “Utopiales” in 2001, when Bruno della Chiesa handed over the artistic direction to Patrick Gyger. As part of this annual event, between 2000 and 2006 he published seven anthologies with 70 short stories by science fiction writers from 40 countries under the title “Utopiæ” and translated from 20 languages. He has also published around 50 literary reviews in Galaxies magazine, most of which are available online at NooSFere.

Selected bibliography

Published books as editor, coordinator and author

  • Federal-State Commission for Educational Planning and Research Funding; Austria. Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture; Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Education (Ed.): Learning in the knowledge society. Studien Verlag, Innsbruck 2002.
  • B. della Chiesa et al. (Ed.): Los Desafíos de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la Educación. Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Madrid 2002.
  • B. della Chiesa et al. (Ed.): Understanding the Brain - Towards a New Learning Science. OECD, Paris 2002 (translated into Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish).
  • B. della Chiesa et al. (Ed.): Understanding the Brain - the Birth of a Learning Science. OECD, Paris 2007 (translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Serbian and Spanish).
  • B. della Chiesa, J. Scott and C. Hinton (Eds.): Languages ​​in a Global World. Learning for Better Cultural Understanding. OECD, Paris 2012.


  • Ch. Hinton, K. Miyamoto and Bruno della Chiesa: Brain Research, Learning and Emotions: implications for education research, policy and practice. In: European Journal of Education. Volume 43, No. 1, 2008, Blackwell Publishing, London 2008, pp. 87-103.
  • Bruno della Chiesa and K. Miyamoto: Unlocking the secrets of mankind's most powerful machine. In: Teaching Scotland. Spring 2008, Glasgow 2008, pp. 14-15.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Introduction. In: Éducation, sciences cognitive et neurosciences, sous l'égide de l'Académie des Sciences. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 2008, pp. 7-12 and 20; and notes on pp. 83–212
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Long Live Lifelong Brain Plasticity !. In: Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE). Volume 13, No. 2, Helsinki 2008, pp. 78-85.
  • Bruno della Chiesa and V. Christoph: Neurociencia y docentes: crónica de un encuentro. In: Cuadernos de pedagogía. Volume 386, January 2009, Madrid 2009, pp. 92-96.
  • Bruno della Chiesa, V. Christoph and Ch. Hinton: How Many Brains Does It Take to Build a New Light: Knowledge Management Challenges of a Transdisciplinary Project. In: Mind, Brain and Education. Volume 3, No. 1, March 2009, Blackwell Publishing, New York 2009, pp. 17-26.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Ce qu'on sait sur la mémoire… et tout ce qui reste à apprendre. In: Cahiers Pédagogiques. n ° 474 'Aider à mémoriser', Paris 2009, pp. 28-31.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Beginning in the brain: Pioneering the field of educational neuroscience. Usable Knowledge, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge MA, March 2009.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Looking for good brains! From neuroscience, learning, teaching, media, and ethics. In: LEARNING THEORIES - Protocol 15/10. Akademie Loccum, Rehburg-Loccum 2010, pp. 9–28.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: "Who does not know foreign languages ​​..." In: The meaning of language - educational policy consequences and measures. Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin 2010, pp. 9–29.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: “Fácilis descensus Averni” - Mind, Brain, Education, and Ethics: Highway to Hell, Stairway to Heaven, or Passing Dead-End? In: Mind, Brain and Education. Volume 4, No. 2, June 2010, Blackwell Publishing, New York 2010, pp. 45-48.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Wanted: Tesseract - One Hypothesis on Languages, Cultures, and Ethics for Mind, Brain, and Education. In: Mind, Brain and Education. Volume 4, No. 3, September 2010, Blackwell Publishing, New York 2010, pp. 135-148.
  • C. Rolbin and Bruno della Chiesa: “We Share the Same Biology…” - Cultivating Cross-Cultural Empathy and Global Ethics through Plurilingualism. In: Mind, Brain and Education. Volume 4, No. 4, December 2010, Blackwell Publishing, New York 2010, pp. 197-208.
  • Z. Stein, Bruno della Chiesa, Ch. Hinton, K. Fischer: Ethical Issues in Educational Neuroscience: Raising Children in a Brave New World. In: J. Illes and BJ Sahakian (Eds.): Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press, New York 2011, pp. 803-822.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: When Learning Languages, Motivation Matters Most. Interview by Nancy Walser, Harvard Education Letter 27/6, Nov. – Dec. 2011, Harvard Education Press, Cambridge, MA 2011, pp. 6-8.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Learning languages ​​in a globalizing world. In: B. della Chiesa, J. Scott and C. Hinton (Eds.): Languages ​​in a Global World. Learning for Better Cultural Understanding. OECD, Paris 2012, pp. 37–51
  • Bruno della Chiesa: "Expansion of our own being": Language learning, cultural belonging and global awareness. In: B. della Chiesa, J. Scott and C. Hinton (Eds.): Languages ​​in a Global World. Learning for Better Cultural Understanding. OECD, Paris 2012, pp. 437–461.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Retour sur bilinguisme, multilinguisme et éducation. Les Vendredis Intellos, Interview by Ilse Dethune, 2012, from
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Mieux comprendre le développement de l'enfant: ce que l'on peut et ne peut pas attendre des neurosciences. In: Paper presented at the Bien-être des jeunes enfants dans l'accueil et l'éducation en France et ailleurs, Actes du colloque des 10 and 11 octobre 2011. Center d'analyse stratégique, DREES, Ministère de la Santé, Paris 2013 , Pp. 25-29.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: De la perfectibilité humaine, des neurosciences, de la liberation, et des pommes de terre. In: P. Toscani (Ed.): Les neurosciences au coeur de la classe. Chronique sociale, Lyon 2013, pp. 14-17.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Our Learning / Teaching Brains: What can be Expected from Neuroscience, and how? What should not be expected from Neuroscience, and why? In: Proceedings of the 2013 Research Conference. How the Brain Learns: What lessons are there for teaching? Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne 2013, pp. 3–6.
  • Bruno della Chiesa: Switch on Brain with Science. In: IB World Magazine. Volume 69, March 2014, pp. 20-21.

Online materials

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Utopiae. L'Atalante, Nantes 2000, p. 188
  2. J. Illes and BJ Sahakian (Eds.): Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press, New York 2011, p. XXIV
  3. T. Tokuhama-Espinosa: Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching. WW Norton & Co., 2011
  4. See Usable Knowledge (Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge MA, March 2009): Beginning in the brain: Pioneering the field of educational neuroscience
  5. Cf. Bruno della Chiesa et al. (Ed.): Understanding the Brain - Towards a New Learning Science. OECD, Paris 2002
  6. Bruno della Chiesa: Who does not know foreign languages ​​... in The meaning of language - educational policy consequences and measures. Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin 2010, pp. 9–29. See also: Bruno della Chiesa: Learning languages ​​in a globalizing world. In: Bruno della Chiesa, J. Scott and C. Hinton (Eds.): Languages ​​in a Global World. Learning for Better Cultural Understanding. OECD, Paris 2012, pp. 37–51.
  7. Bruno della Chiesa: Wanted: Tesseract - One Hypothesis on Languages, Cultures, and Ethics for Mind, Brain, and Education. In: Mind, Brain and Education. Volume 4, No. 3, September 2010, Blackwell Publishing, New York 2010, pp. 135-148. See also: Bruno della Chiesa: "Expansion of our own being": Language learning, cultural belonging and global awareness. In: Bruno della Chiesa, J. Scott and C. Hinton (Eds.): Languages ​​in a Global World. Learning for Better Cultural Understanding. OECD, Paris 2012, pp. 437–461.
  8. Beyond sociology and linguistics, his work shows a philosophical and political proximity to Bourdieu and even more to Chomsky, especially with regard to his criticism of the mass media.
  9. Bruno della Chiesa et al. (Ed.): Understanding the Brain - the Birth of a Learning Science. OECD, Paris 2007
  10. so
  11. Utopiae -
  12. Galaxies - Science-fiction - Revue Galaxies-SF
  13. Bruno DELLA CHIESA - Bibliography Livres - Biography - nooSFere