Qurnat Shahwan Collection

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The Qurnat Shahwan Collection ( French Rassemblement de Kornet Chehwane , Arabic لقاء قرنة شهوان Liqāʾ Qurnat Shahwān ) is a political association in Lebanon that includes politicians, intellectuals and business people.

Most of them are Christians of various faiths and center- right and left-wing political ideologies . The organization is not a political party in the classical sense: its members belong to and in some cases lead other political parties. The rally is therefore more of a loose coalition , although it is not clear whether the intention is to organize for the purpose of elections .


The name of the alliance comes from the city of their headquarters, Qurnat Schahwan , a city in the mountains of Lebanon . It was founded on 30 April 2001 by a total of 29 individuals, political parties and civic organizations represent, but also some independent members, and received the blessing by the Patriarch of the Maronite Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir . Membership was subject to changes (see below) because some founding members and parties are no longer associated with the alliance. Patriarch Sfeir also withdrew somewhat from his previous assignment (under pressure from the government, some claim). However, some of those who have left the coalition continue to work informally with the coalition.

In the run-up to the complete withdrawal of the Syrian army , the alliance had originally pleaded for their regrouping to the Bekaa plain . In the tremors following the attack on the vehicle convoy of the former Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri on February 14, 2005, however, the Qurnat Shahwan rally extended its campaign to the immediate complete withdrawal of Syrian troops and intelligence services and demanded that new parliamentary and presidential elections be held, which are free from foreign interference. Congregation member and current MP Samir Frangieh said on March 16, 2005 that parliamentary elections would have to precede the presidential elections because the current parliament (which was elected in 2000 and which allegedly created a pro-Syrian majority through constituency shifting) would most likely be renewed would elect a pro-Syrian president to succeed Émile Lahoud , who is viewed by the opposition as a Syrian puppet .

The parliamentary elections in Lebanon in 2005 was a disaster for the Qurnat-Schahwan collection, mainly because they have no alliance with the Free Patriotic Movement of General Michel Aoun had closed their candidates 21 seats in Christian won heartland. Only a few members of the collection, Nayla Moawad , Samir Frangieh, Boutros Harb and six candidates from the Forces Libanaises managed to get elected to parliament , mainly through the support of their Muslim electoral allies ( Saad Hariris Courant du futur , Walid Jumblat with his Progressive Socialist Party and through Hezbollah in the constituency of Baabda - Alayh ). Overall, the collection received less than 20% of the Christian vote.


The Qurnat Shahwan Compilation adheres to seven principles:

  • Lebanon is not an artificial state structure, but a homeland of all Lebanese. As such, it is chained to its independence and can only solve its problems as an independent nation.
  • Differences between political groups and religions must be resolved through mutual respect and dialogue, not through confrontation.
  • The Taif Agreement and the subsequent related amendments to the Lebanon Constitution must be implemented verbatim and must not be manipulated by " external forces for internal gains ".
  • A modern constitutional structure that is based on democracy and is bound by the applicable laws and guarantees equality for all citizens must be created. The judiciary should be independent of political interference.
  • Israel is seen as " the main source of danger to the people and the country ". Resistance to the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon between 1982 and 2000 is welcomed. (On this point the Qurnat Shahwan rally does not contradict the status quo of Lebanese foreign policy and avoids a contentious political problem).
  • The Syrian presence in Lebanon must end and Lebanon and Syria rebuild their relations as equal partners. Close relationships and “ fraternal ties ” can only be achieved when neither side is controlled by the other.
  • Lebanon is an integral part of the Arab world and wants to play a role in it as a sovereign state.


The Qurnat Shahwan Collection has the following five goals:

The complete withdrawal of all Syrian troops from Lebanon and the restoration of full sovereignty.
The formulation of a new electoral law that prevents constituency shifting, the implementation of legal independence and the restriction of the security forces' right to intervene.
A comprehensive national reconciliation, the return of exiles and the release of all political prisoners.
Support for the establishment of a Palestinian state with the capital in Jerusalem . The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are to be relocated to that state, with Israel and the international community being held responsible for the relocation.

A comprehensive pan-Arab peace agreement with Israel to secure Arab rights. No unilateral peace agreement should be made through Lebanon.


The following parties and individuals are or were members of the Qurnat Shahwan Collection. Parties and their respective members are listed alphabetically, with party leaders placed at the head of a party's representatives. The members of the current National Assembly are indicated by (MP) .

Current members

  • Hares Chehab (Maronite)
  • Independent:

Former members