Rafael María Nze Abuy

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Rafael María Nze Abuy CMF (born September 12, 1926 in Puerto Iradier , † July 7, 1991 in Malabo ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and archbishop of Malabo .


Rafael María Nze Abuy joined the Order of the Claretians and was ordained a priest on May 2, 1954 . Paul VI appointed him on August 9, 1965 Vicar Apostolic of Río Muni and Titular Bishop of Sutunurca .

The Archbishop of Madrid , Casimiro Morcillo González , donated him episcopal ordination on December 12 of the same year ; Co-consecrators were Jesús Serrano Pastor CMF, Vicar Apostolic of Darién , and Francisco Gómez Marijuán , Vicar Apostolic of Fernando Poo .

He attended the fourth session of the Second Vatican Council . With the elevation to the diocese on May 3, 1966 he was appointed Bishop of Bata . On April 27, 1973, he resigned from office. The Pope appointed him bishop of Bata on June 26, 1980. John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Malabo on October 21, 1982.

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