Rai Sport 2

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Infobox radio tower icon
Rai Sport 2
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Specialized program (sport)
reception Satellite , DVB-T
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission May 18, 2010
Broadcaster Radiotelevisione Italiana
Intendant Luigi Gubitosi
Program director Mauro Mazza
List of TV channels

Rai Sport 2 is an Italian television broadcaster and belongs to the RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana group . Rai Sport 2 is owned by Rai Sport and is only dedicated to sports. The station is broadcast from the Rai headquarters in Milan.


Rai Sport 2 went on the air on May 18, 2010, during the restructuring of the RAI channels. Rai Sport Più became Rai Sport 1 and Rai News 24 became Rai News . Rai News even had to be moved to a different frequency to make way for Rai Sport 2. In its first few months, Rai Sport 2 only broadcast football events. As a result, Rai Sport 2 was inaugurated on May 18, 2010, to present the Italian soccer team live in South Africa. A few days after May 18, 2010, the channel showed live the announcement of the new Inter coach Rafael Benítez . They also asked whether the repetition of the seven games that led to the victory of the Italian soccer team at the 2006 World Cup in Germany could be done with the original Rai voices of the commentators by Marco Civoli and Sandro Mazzola and for the first time with the broadcast of 16: 9 to show. At that time Rai 1 it on 4: 3 shown.


The channel, together with her sister Rai Sport 1, broadcasts chronicles of the sport or live 24 to 24 hours. Various disciplines are broadcast, including those sports that have not found a place on other state television channels. The programming stipulates that space will also be left free for football, basketball, rugby, cycling, ice hockey, hockey, boxing and skiing. Rai Sport 2 broadcasts programs that were already seen on Rai Sport 1. Due to missing events, Rai Sport 2 is used to repeat programs from Rai Sport 1 with an hour difference, including the TG Sport news.

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